Author Topic: Ahimsa  (Read 3267 times)


  • Posts: 351
« on: March 18, 2009, 12:05:03 PM »
Ahimsa - A sanskrit word. One of the sub-limbs of yama, which is one of the eight limbs of yoga.
A doctrine holding that all forms of life are sacred. Ahimsa urges the avoidance of violence and harming, and has many variations, including non harming of people in actions and language, vegetarianism, pacifism, non-harming of plants, and sometimes even tiny insects.

 It is a doctrine meant to apply to everyday lifestyle, and includes words spoken and actions taken. A life lived with Ahimsa is a benefit, as no bad karma is generated, enabling past karma to be eliminated sooner. Also living a life of Ahimsa causes the world around one to return positive energy, often in unexpected ways.

Ahimsa is a doctrine in some religious sects. also it is a natural effect of yoga practices, particularly deep meditation and the rise of inner silence. This is true of all the yamas and niyamas.

You can read more about the eight limbs of yoga here:

Lesson 149.

Or about Heart Opening and service here:

Lesson 228.

if you do a site search for "Ahimsa" here, you will get hundreds of hits!

Start reading the main lessons to learn how to begin these yoga practices.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2009, 02:42:42 AM by AYPforum »