Author Topic: Eckhart Tolle and The power of Now  (Read 2225 times)


  • Posts: 351
Eckhart Tolle and The power of Now
« on: July 08, 2005, 03:38:29 AM »
1044 From: "gregacu108" <>
Date: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:44pm
Subject: Eckhart Tolle and The power of Now  gregacu108
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    I was wondering if anyone else has read this book and was as impressed
with it as I was.

My question to our senior Advanced Yoga Practitioners is do you think
that the Silence/Bliss in AYP and the Silence Tolle talks about are
the same experience or different. If the same, does it make sense to
draw from Tolle's methods to enhance our experience of silence and
peace in our day to day life? I am referring specifically to his
practice of watching our thoughts and emotions and not directly
identifying with them, as well as focusing our attention into the
timeless moment of the now.


 1046 From: "obsidian9999" <>
Date: Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:19pm
Subject: Re: Eckhart Tolle and The power of Now  obsidian9999
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    > I was wondering if anyone else has read this book and was as
> with it as I was.

Hello Greg,

I was impressed with it too. I did find it very inspiring and very
lucid. A very strong work. (There were some small parts of it I found
a little odd, but not problematically so. Anyway, I've learned to
maximize the best of what I read and just let the odd stuff wash by.)

Keep in mind that the power of a work for you will depend a lot on how
it is tailored for your own energies. So other people whose energies
are a little different won't necessarily find the same power in it.
His work though was one that seemed to hit home for a lot of people.

> My question to our senior Advanced Yoga Practitioners is do you think
> that the Silence/Bliss in AYP and the Silence Tolle talks about are
> the same experience or different. If the same, does it make sense to
> draw from Tolle's methods to enhance our experience of silence and
> peace in our day to day life? I am referring specifically to his
> practice of watching our thoughts and emotions and not directly
> identifying with them, as well as focusing our attention into the
> timeless moment of the now.

The senior AYP Practicioners are all out the back smoking cigarettes.
So I'm going to try to answer your question. :) Yes I do think it is
the same Silence/Bliss. Absolutely, I think it makes sense to draw
from his methods. BTW I think his methods were heavily influenced, in
their development, by his working with various teachers in the zen
tradition and others.

Best regards,
