Author Topic: Physical distractions during SB-P, nots, aches etc  (Read 474 times)


  • Posts: 182
Physical distractions during SB-P, nots, aches etc
« on: December 15, 2010, 03:45:39 AM »
At the moment (and for a while) I experience tension in the left side of my back, it's pretty much always there. When doing SBP it drags me off course to the left, if you know what I mean. So when I am going up and down and I pass the mid/lower back area and then the neck (where I have strong tension on the left side), the sensation of tension or strain or whatever it is sort of drags my attention towards it.

Any tips to resolve this? Any asanas that could help even me out? Or any other therapies or tips? Should I get a friend to do a massage?

Any suggestions appreciated.

Love. x [:)]


  • Posts: 14
Physical distractions during SB-P, nots, aches etc
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 04:27:25 PM »
My advice is KIND OF against the general rule of "going steady and working with it"

Push. I mean PUSH your attention to the left side. Don't be afraid of discovering why your attention keeps moving towards a specific location.

Maybe Kundalini is trying to show you something? You can always ask it to return to normal. You won't feel imbalanced. Just go for it :)
If an imbalance appears, just center yourself back (into your Manipura or Anahata - all becomes settled).

It's always interesting to discover why your body wants to do what it wants to do. As long as you're not in a bad mood :D


  • Posts: 182
Physical distractions during SB-P, nots, aches etc
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2011, 06:57:04 AM »
Hi SuperSunny, thanks for your advice. I kindof used it, in conjunction with AYP guidelines and balanced out with the new outlook to just do the practice and let it go where it wants, since this it has evened out nicely [:)].

Path of least resistance, always the best, a good reminder for me to just be easy. [:)]