Author Topic: on compatibility of practices  (Read 839 times)

Alvin Chan

  • Posts: 407
on compatibility of practices
« on: January 06, 2006, 07:50:31 PM »
I am following the suggested time for the core practices of AYP. Before it, usually I do a few rounds of Kapalbhati. And since last week, I add Agnisar Kriya. I do these two because I enjoy the messaging effects on my internal organs. And I feel good after doing them. In particular, Agnisar Kriya is very effective in opening my nostrils for a nice spinal breathing. (my nostrils are usually quite contricted, sometimes making me hard to breath through my nose, which seriously affect my spinal breathing)

My feeling is telling me that the combination works just fine. But I am asking because of the following post by Jim. Specifically what pranayama practices are to be avoided (if any)?

.....It's really best not to do Iyengar pranayama! In fact, if you're going to do AYP (which is a smart idea), lay off ANY other meditation or breathing practice, so effects don't interfere or combine. That's an important point Yogani makes again and again but which a lot of people I talk to seem not to be following, which is a little scary.quote]

BTW, I don't recall reading this point in Yoganni's lessons. And I don't mind if the effects "combine". I think I am just one of those who react rather slowly to all practices other than meditation.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2006, 08:00:29 PM by Alvin Chan »


  • Posts: 911
on compatibility of practices
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2006, 04:19:49 AM »
I am sure that you are fine. Just keep practicing!

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
on compatibility of practices
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2006, 05:32:19 PM »
If you just do AYP, you'll feel great and get where you need to go. if you feel compelled to experiment, godspeed, but nobody can tell you whether what you're doing will work well and be "safe and effective".

That's really the best I can tell you, Alvin. Pure AYP works really really well.