Author Topic: practises for entering stage 2 khechari  (Read 4051 times)


  • Posts: 53
practises for entering stage 2 khechari
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2009, 04:14:02 AM »
ok .. any advice on teh talavya kriya rounds or stretchin or anythin?


  • Posts: 1
practises for entering stage 2 khechari
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2011, 05:12:32 AM »
LESSONS FROM GOD - The Holy Spirit Kundalini Shakti &
increasing healing power / Our life force
When Sai Baba first woke me up from my attachment to this material world!
He first sent me for initiation into Reiki by Sensei Allan Sweeney and then to have my Vibrations Further raised with Initiations from Shamballa John Armitage Haridas Baba,
To raise one's Holy Spirit/Vibrations it is necessary to have Initiations from Pure Masters (unless one is born already highly Spiritually Vibrated!)

After Shamballa came Kriya Yoga initiations. It is the birthright of every soul to raise their Holy spirit/ Kundalini to connect to their inner soul i.e. their God Head.

I enjoyed the Kriya Yoga initiation. This is a scientific method of Breathing Very deep into our Divine Chakras, awakening them to enable us to hold more spiritual power within & awaken our Godhead.
After the Kriya Yoga Initiation in London, the Kriya masters watched me as I dropped back into my sloppy habit of not being disciplined and ignoring Kriya prayers.

A week had passed by, in sloth and laziness when, I was awoken Early morning by Kriya Guru Sri Yukteswar standing next to my bed. He grasped me with his hand and squeezed me until I was screaming with pain.
He spoke "Amarjit, the Masters have waited long enough you must start your prayers everyday".
I sat down and started my Kriya breathing prayers immediately.

Early next morning he re-appeared again and held his hand out menacingly. I surrendered and spoke "Swami, you do not need to hurt me again I will pray every day!"
I had been Intensly practicing Kriya for over a year, when suddenly one morning the roof of my house flew off. Incredible would not be able to describe this,
2 Red Indian Ladies flew in and stood on my sides and I bowed to them.
I was looking around and saw that my room had opened into the universe itself. I could see the stars and the moon it was incredible,

Kriya Yogi Pramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi) then floated down in front of me and spoke
" Amarjit, before you do any more Kriya you must have your Divine Etheric/divine meridians/Web repaired otherwise you will damage your Kundalini systems".

It hurt me to look at him as he was covered in Incredible Light, rainbows and angels were dancing all around him! I was crying looking at his Divine Radiant Beauty.
He pulled my soul out of my body and I stood next to him looking down at my body sitting in the cross legged position doing Kriya.

Why can't this happen everyday and How does he know my name I wondered.

P. Yogananda then me showed another incredible sight. He awoke my senses , He gave me X-ray eyes.

I could now see into my body. I could see Electrical circuits! Buzzing and humming I could see the entire framework of my body. I saw different color energies and sparks flying as I was doing my Kriya breathing. It was amazing, our bodies are not only flesh and bones they are a Divine Computer.

"Amarjit, look at the left side of your body",
I saw Meridians between my heart and Left knee were broken and the sparks at these areas were short circuiting.
 " Amarjit, you must have this PAST Life trauma/Damage repaired before you do any more Kriya breathing".

"Amarjit, this temple of God you reside in must be pure and all the systems must be working to raise your Holy Spirit/Kundalini".

He then vanished as suddenly as he appeared.

I now wondered what is the Etheric Meridians he was talking about and who will repair them for me?

A couple of days one of my friends Brian a Kriya Master and a Mahavatar Babaji devotee rang me out of the blue and said Amarjit you can have your etheric meridians repaired by Vortex Healing
to be continued ;.................
Click here: Meridian (Chinese medicine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It is our birth right to raise our Kundalini/Holy Spirit, however we we must lead a pious and pure life.

The Etheric Meridians is the network of energy within our frame work must be unbroken and in good order .

If we raise our Kundalini energy with these broken then we can have a short circuit within our bodies which will certainly damage certain pathways within.

Our (click here) Chakra 's store much information including all our emotions, every thought we think & process is automatically stored in them.
If the Chakras are damaged in any way this too can cause the rise of the serpent energy to slow down at these areas and cause intense damage to our electrical system etc.


Click here: Swami Sri Yukteswarji Giriji Maharaji - 15k - Similar pages
Click here: Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Kriya Yoga is a simple, psychophysiological method by which the human blood is decarbonized and recharged with oxygen. The atoms of this extra oxygen are transmuted into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal centers.
1 By stopping the accumulation of venous blood, the yogi is able to lessen or prevent the decay of tissues; the advanced yogi transmutes his cells into pure energy. Elijah, Jesus, Kabir and other prophets were past masters in the use of Kriya or a similar technique, by which they caused their bodies to dematerialize at will.
Click here: John Van Auken | Seven Churches of the Revelation
Click here: Kundalini Information & Kundalini Network


  • Posts: 145
practises for entering stage 2 khechari
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2012, 07:46:11 PM »
De carbonization of the blood is what westerners properly call hyperventilation. research it for yourselfs. practise it if your can. the method is simple and powerful. yet if you huff and puff air like a wild animal in heat you will hurt yourself. ox,dear, rabbit. realize the 3 speeds of breathing.
hyperventilation happens when carbon dioxide drops dramatically, in this state the nervouse system rapidly fires and the body stops sending signals for breathing. hence the breathless state.

Hypo ventilation is what most people experiance. it is the increase in carbon dioxide and often results in oxygen hunger " out of breath"
when these things are controlled they can be used to benifit. when they are the result or side effect of an ailment it is not a good thing.

now you know the kriya, the action, of decarbonizing the blood.
Now all you must find if the method. i tell you now. rhythem and consistancy is crucial. like the bellow blowing on the fire ;)

a gift! from somone who does not know if it is his to give. thrown into a sea with much salt. if you have eyes to see, simply do a bit of research, and you will realize. with proper practise. you will know. do not smoke, or your results will be negated. results will vanish with the smoke.


  • Posts: 144
practises for entering stage 2 khechari
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2012, 12:12:42 AM »
I described already my trial on the basis of Ennio Nimis 2010 e-book edition on kriya yoga

to naturally exercise the frenulum without cutting it.

That convinced me but I do re-discover the exact quote not again but much further inspiration occurs by working Talabya kriya. I learnt also 95ss. the similarities of the 4 stages of Kriya yoga with stages in taoist alchemy of micro- macrocosmic orbit and thrusting channels. The free e-book of Michael Winn on inner smile reports his editing and knowledge of kriya yoga in comparison to the inner alchemy of Mantak Chia.

the quotes are 65,93ss and search words kechari talabya Lahiri Mahasaya.
