Author Topic: poor man's (woman's) secret spot?  (Read 1488 times)


  • Posts: 2604
poor man's (woman's) secret spot?
« on: November 06, 2005, 09:48:27 AM »
I debated with myself about where to drop this topic,  as it totally straddles this forum and the 'tantra and spiritual development' forum,  as some topics inevitably will.

Many years ago a former girlfriend confided in me that there was a very erogenous area on the inside of her upper lip which needed special attention.  She self-discovered this,  and it had long been her practice to self-stimulate there,  with her tongue, on certain occasions when she was by herself,  if you know what I mean.  I thought at the time that this particular spot was just an interesting peculiarity of hers and thought no more of it.

 Then recently someone,  for whatever reason (divine synchronicity? or just a bad birthday joke?) ,   gave me a book called 'Orgasms' (by Lou Paget) for my birthday.  (  The book,  by the way seems to be a decent and insight-giving sex-manual on a physical level, but not a deep tome on tantric secrets or anything like that.  )  However I came across something very interesting in it.    Well,  I know nothing better than to quote you directly from it:

p. 226
Secret from Lou's archives

According  to Charles and Caroline Muir,  the potent kiss is a tantric technique that uses an energetic conduit between the valley of a woman's upper lip and her clitoris.  "The lover gently sucks on her upper lip, using his tongue and lips to draw in on the frenulum which stretches from the inside of the upper lip to the point on the gum directly above the two front teeth.  As he sucks her upper lip,  she sucks his lower lip and visualizes the subtle channel that runs from her frenulum to her clitoris.  Once that channel opens as a conduit for sexual energy,  a woman may be able to experience deep clitoral stimulation --- even orgasm --- from the kiss alone."

By the way,  the 'potent kiss' is 'out there' and is easy to find on the internet by googling.


  • Does anyone know about this spot?  How does it compare it to the 'secret spot' that Yogani talks about on the nasal septum?

  • Is it posible that this is a nice place to get a a sort of foretaste of a more powerful secret spot on the nasal septum?

  •   If it works for women,  shouldn't it work for men too?  (After all,  the clitoris and the lingam are developmental variations of each other in utero. )   I'm wondering why men aren't mentioned.  Perhaps men just tend to be less sensitive but potentially sensitive in this area,  as on the nipples?  Or maybe it is just tradition?

  •   I have noticed that,  according to what is written above, it seems to take some time for the 'channel to open',  which it seems from my reading is true for the secret spot Yogani talks about too.

  •   I'm wondering if any of the Yoginis here can comment on whether it is powerful for women in particular.  Of course if it is,  they may be too shy to tell us.  [:I]

  •   Well,  I've tried my own.  (Who'da thunk?  [:)] ) I can't say I get any sexual stimulation from it per se,  at least so far,  it's been a few days (BTW I'd certainly admit it if I did),  but it does seem to be pleasurable in a way that could lead me to make a habit of it.  Of course the trouble with this spot, versus the nasal septum,  is that everyone can see you doing it.  And when you do it,  you will look like a half-chimp from a cheap british Hi-fi c-movie from the sixties (Have you seen the one?).  Which means that you don't want to get into inadvertently repeating in public.

  • It's certainly a lot less sensitive than the 'secret spot' on the nasal septum,  but maybe it has potential as a preview.

  • Another interesting thing is that,  ** to the tongue **, the upper-lip frenum feels very like the edge of the nasal septum,  so it is something of a preview for the tongue as well.

  •   ( By the way,   of course this secret spot on the nasal septum is not 'all about sex',  and I would expect the same to be true for this spot on the upper-lip frenum. )


Any thoughts anyone?

« Last Edit: November 06, 2005, 09:53:46 AM by david_obsidian »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
poor man's (woman's) secret spot?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2005, 01:31:39 PM »
If I remember correctly, the premise of Deep Throat was that a woman's clitoris is actually in her throat.

Is that helpful?


  • Posts: 2604
poor man's (woman's) secret spot?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2005, 01:46:17 AM »
Originally posted by Jim and His Karma

If I remember correctly, the premise of Deep Throat was that a woman's clitoris is actually in her throat.

Is that helpful?

Well,  not really because it was already pretty clear to me already that the throat was erogenous.  I'm more asking now about this particular spot on the inside and under the upper lip....

And Jim,  that's one hell of a spoiler for a classic I never saw....  [:D]


  • Posts: 384
poor man's (woman's) secret spot?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2005, 03:11:39 AM »
Originally posted by david_obsidian

Does anyone know about this spot?  How does it compare it to the 'secret spot' that Yogani talks about on the nasal septum?

I haven't. As you mentioned Yogani says the septum needs stimulation before it becomes fully functional maybe this is true for this point also. I don't find it any good at the moment though.

Is it posible that this is a nice place to get a a sort of foretaste of a more powerful secret spot on the nasal septum?

Dunno. Who knows [:)]

I'm wondering if any of the Yoginis here can comment on whether it is powerful for women in particular.  Of course if it is,  they may be too shy to tell us.  [:I]

Maybe if there is someone more advanced than me they can feel something. I don't but this doesn't mean anything I guess.

Well,  I've tried my own.  (Who'da thunk?  [:)] ) I can't say I get any sexual stimulation from it per se,  at least so far,  it's been a few days (BTW I'd certainly admit it if I did),  but it does seem to be pleasurable in a way that could lead me to make a habit of it.  Of course the trouble with this spot, versus the nasal septum,  is that everyone can see you doing it.  And when you do it,  you will look like a half-chimp from a cheap british Hi-fi c-movie from the sixties (Have you seen the one?).  Which means that you don't want to get into inadvertently repeating in public.

If you already have experience with proper Kechari why would you need this at all [:p]. Of course no harm to make an experiment. You know that the people working the Taoist orbit also go all the way on the front side of the body which we don't focus on directly here. Maybe your little exercise is going in this direction. Btw I am not sure I understand the post by Jim but it sounds very funny. [:D]


  • Posts: 2604
poor man's (woman's) secret spot?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2005, 03:19:33 AM »

>> If you already have experience with proper Kechari why would you need this at all . Of course no harm to make an experiment.

Yes,  Lili,  I am interested in this from a 'teaching' point of view.  Also, while I can reach the 'secret spot' now,  it is so sensitive and gets tender so quickly that I can't touch it for long yet.  It will probably take several weeks before I can keep my tongue on that for some time.