Author Topic: Khechari thick tongue frenulum  (Read 4104 times)

Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« on: August 04, 2007, 08:44:31 PM »
i am new in khechari practice.
i am snipping my tongue frenulum with help of "blade" and "anti septic mouth washer".
my frenulum is not like this.which i am giving in abov figure.
my frenulum tether is gap in between.
when i lift my tongue then it is not like thin tendon.
i snip it after every 3 to  4 day.
i am doing this work since last 4 month's
and still i am not reached stage 1.
is dentist remove whole frenum in one or two surgery
such that tongue will able to reach stage 4?
thick tongue man able to reach
stage 4 or not?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 08:48:27 PM by mrityunjay_singh_1983 »


  • Posts: 4947
Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2007, 01:25:10 AM »
Hi Mrityunjay Singh,
Welcome to the forum.[:)]

Originally posted by mrityunjay_singh_1983

is dentist remove whole frenum in one or two surgery
such that tongue will able to reach stage 4?
thick tongue man able to reach
stage 4 or not?

Getting this done professionally has been discussed here
Going to a "Professional" for Frenum Removal

To the best of my knowledge.. only one person at this forum has had their frenum removed surgically, and the last he had reported he was still not in Stage 2 (I think).

There are others at this forum who have never snipped and have reached stage 2 or higher.

Yet some who have snipped for awhile and made progress and some who have snipped and not made much progress.

Each person is different and what works for one person may not work for another.

There have been may discussions at the forum on Kechari. You can go through them and see if something helps you
Kechari Mudra

You can read up "tooled talavya kriya" for some additional techniques.

Are you stretching your tongue?
'milking the tongue' and 'tooled talavya'

Also, these two posts helped a lot of us enter stage 2.. see if this helps you..
A hint that can be helpful: The journey from stage 1 to stage 2 kechari (going behind the soft palate) is actually a thrust forward with the tongue as soon as it clears the back edge. Not up, but forward. The easiest place to do that from (shortest distance to get behind) is on the left or right side of the edge of the soft palate. The tongue can roll right in from either side, while going up the middle takes more length.

Also, keep in mind that the soft palate is not a rigid boundary. As soon as we are behind it, it folds down and forward like a natural trap door. It returns to normal position just as naturally when the tongue is removed from the pharynx. So the idea of the entrance being an opening "way back there" is somewhat of an illusion. As soon as the pharynx is penetrated, the opening expands all the way forward to the edge of the hard palate. See cross-sectional images of kechari here:

Carry on!

The guru is in you.

Just to clarify: The tongue doesn't actually "roll" into stage 2 from the side. It goes in on the side and slides to the center behind the soft palate. A push forward can help once the tip of the tongue has made it behind the edge of the soft palate -- that opens the soft palate trap door (it is usually automatic, but pushing forward with the tongue helps it along). No unusual contortions involved beyond just getting there, which you almost have!

Don't forget, finger help is perfectly legal, especially in the beginning.

The guru is in you.

Hope these help.
You are welcome to ask more questions and share your experiences with us.
Wish you all the best.

Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2007, 04:44:58 PM »
i watch and read all these forum method's,pictures and many more.
i also mail  to yogani.
he said that your frnulum membrane is thick so it takes time to winnow down.
you only cut tight tether part no fleshy part.
i have one qyestion again.
suppose i gone to dentist he has done surgery.
after that i again snip my frenulum with yourself(means as i have done before surgery) easily or not?


  • Posts: 2604
Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2007, 01:04:33 AM »
after that i again snip my frenulum with yourself(means as i have done before surgery) easily or not?

Hopefully,  you can ask the dentist to remove as much of the frenum as he sees fit.  It is then likely that you won't want to snip much afterwards, or at least not for some time.

It all depends on how much frenum you have, and how much of your frenum the dentist has actually removed -- and how limiting the frenum that remains is. But yes, you could want to snip more after going to a dentist.

Because dentist probably won't remove your whole frenum in one sitting.  There's a lot of it further back.  So your tongue may still be limited after a visit to the dentist.  So when it's healed, it's possible to want to snip more -- though I wouldn't say it would be easier than before the visit to the dentist.  But,  because the dentist is likely to remove a lot, it will hopefully not be necessary to continue snipping. It's even possible to go to a dentist again to have more removed if what remains is too limiting.  It all depends on the nature of your actual frenum, and where you want to go in Kechari.  And on your dentist and how much your dentist removes!

« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 05:40:31 AM by david_obsidian »

Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2007, 04:17:55 PM »
my frenulum is thick can i achieve khechari s-4 without dentist.
means my own snipping

Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2007, 06:23:15 PM »
white spot in my tongue just the place of snip but no pain in this area.
is this infection .or some thing else
what is the symptom of infection please tell me clearly?


  • Posts: 4947
Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2007, 12:35:10 AM »
Originally posted by mrityunjay_singh_1983

white spot in my tongue just the place of snip but no pain in this area.
is this infection .or some thing else
what is the symptom of infection please tell me clearly?

Hi Mrityunjay Singh,
The white spots have been discussed here.
Kechari -- White Spots.
From what I get from the above thread is that there is no need to worry about the white spots.

Since there was no pain it could be a callous(read the above thread).

If however you think it is an infection, please consult a doctor.


  • Posts: 3597
Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2007, 10:21:28 AM »
An infection would be indicated by redness and swelling and heat.

Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2007, 08:29:36 PM »
i cut within 2 or 3 days.
first i lift the tongue by sticking tongue with upper mouth roof.
then little sharp frenulum will appear.
without this lifting my frenulum appear with much thickness.
then i snip.
my problem is?

"At that time muscle inside the frenulum will appeared cutting this muscle part have much pain and blood."
with help of finger i touch the lower part of uvla.
i also practice these video exercises for tongue frenulum.


  • Posts: 35
Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2007, 06:27:58 PM »
It was me who went to the dentist and had laser surgery to remove the frenum. I have learned a lot. Best part is self-pacing..the enrgy of mrityunjay reminded me of me- I really wanted kechari.
This has changed and I know it will happen when I am ready. I am pleased I had the op- my architecture was quite tight-and the tongue does stretch a lot more- I am very close. But the burning desire has abated to be replaced by a knowing that when the time is right, I will achieve it.
So, I would say, listen to Yogani and the other members here, take it easy, and dont go snipping things if you dont really know what they are! Dont damage yourself in the process-please.

My meditations are getting better anyway- and my bhakti is growing stronger- I have had many blessings in my life- and this will be another when it decides to bless me.

Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2007, 11:06:56 PM »
i reach stage 1 khechari.
but my frenulum is much damaged in near places of cut.
but no much pain.

Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2007, 03:10:26 PM »
with help of finger we reached behind the uvla.
but tongue will not stay there.
different type of taste i feel at this place.
but i am not including "khechari" with my "Bhastrika pranayama" and "third eye meditation" Practice.
in pranayama and meditation i only practicing mulabandh,uddyana, vajroli and jalandhar.Some times i also practice sambhavi during third eye meditation.
i am only want to reach completely at stage 3 khechari.
not more.
because anuloma viloma pranayama is good enough for doing same thing .which i do with help of stage 4 khechari.
whatever i am thinking.
Am i right are not please explain?



  • Posts: 530
Khechari thick tongue frenulum
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2007, 03:16:11 AM »
I would try holding your tongue as far back as you can for many months without any snipping.  This will increase your bhakti and make the tongue ready to go up.  This would only work for you if it is appropriate, it may or may not bring you closer to your goal, stage 3.

The tongue has to stretch in order to reach the third eye, and if you snip too much then you could end up compensating for a lack of stretching.  The best way I know of to stretch is to allow conductivity to pull the tongue upward.  You could actually over snip and because the tongue is not properly stretched or strengthened, you will not reach third eye.  These are just possibilities to be entertained, words on the screen that mean little.

In my experience, the tongue would be pulled up and held in place almost like a magnet.  Then chi would flow through the region along with the rest of the body.  This caused the tongue to fatten and stiffen upward.  Slowly it would creep up, applying great strain on my frenum.  Many times the frenum would feel like it was about to snap but did not, it just stretched.  Just a few times it actually clenched my jaw shut very tightly.  When I pulled the tongue down the frenum was white and had many curls in it from stretching.  Then it would dry a bit, heal, and be longer than it was before.  Slowly, but SURELY, stage 3 was established.  

I practiced stage 3 for a while but then moved on to other aspects of my body that need attention, even though I practice stage 2 every day with the same effect or more.  A long time went by without practicing in stage 3, but when trying to clean my tongue I pulled on it and saw a bit of blood on my hand and lip.  My frenum had torn slightly from milking my tongue, which was accidental.  

I think if I wanted to I could milk the tongue, practice stage 3, and make it even longer but there is no compulsion to do this as of now.  But there have been a few occasions where I was overcome by kundalini and went into stage 3.  It felt like my tongue had merged with my brain, in respect to how the ecstatic kundalini flowed.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 03:45:20 AM by Kyman »