Author Topic: Prana, Ki, Chi, Life Force  (Read 1221 times)


  • Posts: 351
Prana, Ki, Chi, Life Force
« on: March 22, 2007, 12:11:21 AM »
What is Prana, Ki, Chi, or Life Force?
Prana means "first unit".
It is the first manifestation of consciousness in matter.  In the string theory of modern physics, the miniscule, subatomic energy strings thought to be the building blocks of everything in the universe might well be analogous to prana. In any case, we know that influencing prana (the life force) in the human  body has significant effects on our nervous system, and our experience.

Meditation is a way of influencing prana with the mind taking the
lead. The human mind arises from a flow of energy through the nerves
of the brain. In meditation, we systematically allow that energy
(prana) to become still, which brings us to the underlying cause of
that energy. We experience it as pure silent bliss consciousness.

Click on "Main Lessons" above to learn how to control prana

or read more here:
Pranayama; cultivating the soil of the nervous system

and more references in the Topic Index

At the forum:
pranayama thoughts