Author Topic: Lalana chakra awakening/activation?  (Read 1486 times)


  • Posts: 35
Lalana chakra awakening/activation?
« on: July 05, 2011, 09:19:08 PM »
I have some questions regarding lalana chakra, located at the back of the throat. I post my questions within the Kundalini subforum because I am suffering/enjoying an awakening and I consider this possible chakra activation as part of the awakening.

I started to have headaches two weeks ago. I think these are related to the awakening of the three main nadis, because I can now become aware of ida and pingala inside the head (before I could only "see" them in my torso) and I have become aware of sushumna during spinal breathing. Drinking excessively and remain mindfull controls the pain well.

An experience that I couldn't "identify" at first was the arising of a very cold feeling at the back of my throat. Reading up the literature identifies the spot with lalana chakra. Amrita released by Bindu is stored in lalana and can be burned in Manipura or purified in Visuddhi. I think my Bindu is well activated. I have ringing in my ears for 24/7 for as many years as my memory can go back, but I don't know how it handles nectar production. I use this sound now as a source of mindfulness and of concentration meditation.

- Any others who have experienced "cold flashes" near lalana chakra? In my case, they occur infrequent and are short in duration (minutes).
- Can the cold feeling be considered as an awakening of lalana chakra?
- Are there any exercises that are recommended to perform for this chakra when such a feeling arises, e.g. to derive amrita to Visuddhi and not to Manipura?

Thanks to all for your advise [:)]