Author Topic: Ignite the Fire within - Walk on fire Seminar NY  (Read 1029 times)


  • Posts: 13
Ignite the Fire within - Walk on fire Seminar NY
« on: March 01, 2010, 08:05:48 AM »
Do you believe in living life with no regrets or are you always complaining?

- Have you realized - it is not that opportunities do not exist, the problem is we do not take action.
- Why? Because of fear.
- Now imagine yourself taking action walking across a bed of red hot coals, walking over broken glass, breaking an ...arrow with your throat.
- Do you think you will ever fear taking action in life after you have done the extremes? I would like to invite you to "Ignite the Fire Within". (Brief below. For details: If you feel motivated to "participate" and "Renew" your "Life Purpose" please do so.

See more details and RSVP: