Author Topic: Alternative cancer treatment  (Read 966 times)


  • Posts: 1843
Alternative cancer treatment
« on: February 10, 2006, 06:54:18 PM »
Hello everyone!
Since "going public" with my "cancer story" in Satsang Cafe, I have received emails from people wanting to know how it came about that I said no to chemotherapy and radiation. First of all, let me set one thing straight: I was terrified! I did absolutely not feel couragous when I decided to go my own way in the treatment situation. It was simply a question of chosing between two terrible choices; and doing chemo and radiation frightened me even more than not doing them. Remember - I had already had the experience of curing my arthritis through macrobiotic diet (After a year with about 12 active inflamations in my joints at the same time (I was in extreme pain; my husband had to brush my teeth[xx(] ); and also being on lots of suppressive medication that didn't cure, but only numbed me to life.One day I simply decided that I would rather be in pain than not be at all. Hence the macrobiotic diet.

Years later - the cancer was diagnosed five weeks before my final exams in homeopathy. I knew by then (from my medical studies) that our body symptoms are a way of balancing an underlying problem. It is not the inflammations or the tumors that are the problem; it is the inner imbalance that causes them. I did, however, not have the guts (or time...after the diagnosis they gave me one hour to decide what to do..that's another story) to not remove my breast (I think it very.....fitting, that my left breast is gone. It litterally exposed my heart). As it turned out the cancer had spread to my lymph system. To make a long story short - I quarreled with the doctors; cut all traditional treatments; went back on the macrobiotic diet, took homeopathic remedies, and started to work on becoming visible to myself.
My girls were 4 and 7 at the time, and I lived in constant fear that I would die. It took about 4 years for the fear to subside. It took even longer to getting used to being a one breasted woman. However, it is not like I wish I hadn't removed the breast. On the contrary - it taught me that I am not my self image. That alone has given me an enormous amount of freedom. So - to everyone that has mailed me - I am a completely ordinary girl that was simply "forced" by nature to take another path than most in my situation. You would have done the same if you were in my skin[:D].
It is odd that this should surface right now....In the beginning of january 2006 my story was "sniffed up" by some journalist. I was asked to go public in a big weekly magazine in Norway. I thought about it for a second, and then said yes - I want people to know that cancer (or any other disease) can be approached differently. The story ended up being a front page article (I laughed...who would have thought - a cover girl![:I]. Anyway - I have had responses from all over the country; and people have come to my clinic (and sent tons of mails) to get advice. So many beautiful souls out there! It makes me cry when I see that peoples life changes because I got over my fear of being "exposed". Thank you grace!!
I hope this covers what you wanted to know. If not - feel free to mail me. I cannot promise immediate replies, but I can gather up questions under the same topic, and publish my thoughts here - if I find it fitting to the forum.

Thanks for making my life such an adventure!

May all your Nows be Here


  • Posts: 3597
Alternative cancer treatment
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2006, 01:40:41 AM »
Thanks for your wonderful story, Katrine
Does that big weekly magazine have an online version?


  • Posts: 1843
Alternative cancer treatment
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2006, 03:06:56 AM »
Hello Etherfish!
 you wrote:
"Does that big weekly magazine have an online version?"

No, I am sorry; it doesn't. Of course they have a website; but they don't publish articles from the printed version (as far as I know). When I say "big magazine" - keep in mind we are talking about Norway here - a spacious country with barely over 4 million people. The magazine (which is read by about 700 000 people) is called: Norsk Ukeblad - and the article I am refering to is in no. 2 of 2006. (Do you speak Norwegian? :-)

May all your Nows be Here


  • Posts: 62
Alternative cancer treatment
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2006, 07:02:08 PM »
Thank you katrine, Which do you think is more effective, the macrobiotic diet or the homeopathy? Or is it an equal combination of both?



  • Posts: 3597
Alternative cancer treatment
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2006, 08:27:06 PM »
>Do you speak Norwegian? :-)

No, not at all. But I am 1/4 Norwegian.
You write very good english by the way.

I just like any kind of connections in other countries.
There is online translating (which is really bad), but
it's just fun to surf the net and find interesting things.
When I meet somebody, I search their name on the net for
instance just to see what comes up. Sometimes it is surprising.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2006, 08:28:14 PM by Etherfish »


  • Posts: 1843
Alternative cancer treatment
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2006, 09:53:09 PM »
Mystiq wrote:
Which do you think is more effective, the macrobiotic diet or the homeopathy? Or is it an equal combination of both?

Definitely the macrobiotic diet. Simply because it addresses the underlying imbalance. Homeopathy is removing a frequency condition with a similar frequency in a remedy. That is of course very helpful, but it does not address the deep causes of the imbalance the way I see it. It's as if you say that "the remedy can do the work for me". Of course - now that I experience the "sunburn" (see that post under Pranayama, Mudras etc) - I take Nat-m (which is my constitutional remedy also) and it will help me. But if I keep up the practise that led to the sunburn no homeopathic remedy will ever cure me. I have to do both. And the underlying cause is (to me) always the one that deserves the most of my focus. Then again...I am a serious person. [:D]I might be wrong. What do you think?

May all your Nows be Here


  • Posts: 1843
Alternative cancer treatment
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2006, 07:01:10 PM »
People have mailed me and want info on Macrobiotics.
Macro: Vast (large, big...etc)Biotics: Bio= Life
The father of Macrobiotics is George Oshawa. Later on one of his students; Michio Kushi; carried on with his work. Instead of me going into details here, check out the following link:

Have a balanced day!

May all your Nows be Here