Author Topic: Ajna  (Read 1928 times)


  • Posts: 2
« on: September 05, 2005, 07:54:47 AM »
When I received Shaktipat k moved quickly up to the 5th and remained there for some time.  I simply followed it's lead and found it to be quite fastinating to observe and move with.  Definitely a source much more than our limited view of self.

 I continue to do practices (breathing, mantras, asanas, silence, stillness, etc) and believe no matter what level or state is attained it is essential to continue practices. One thing in particular I notice about k is that my physical body seems to be like a metal detector. [:I] It begins to vibrate powerfully when certain places, people or events are about to happen or are happening.  One day I was on the grounds of a retreat.  I observed  k to vibrate highly when I was passing a small building so I decided to go in.  Without thinking I sat down and began to meditate.  Before I knew it k was vibrating so finely and powerfully that k  passed into the ajna.  The experience is beyond words and is truly akin to knowing, feeling and being all is perfection.  I remember laughing and laughing because of the ease of it all, etc...

Have you heard of others who experience this physical vibratory manifestation, the metal detector effect?  May it signify that one is more tantric in nature or that finer senses are purifying and awakening? Or maybe it's the ajna shiva(er)ing with shockting excitement of knowing it's full potential is in sight once again:-)

Now that k is purifying the ajna I'm wondering where I may find some practices to begin doing to assist the short journey to the crown.

With joyfilled bliss I send this




  • Posts: 193
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2005, 10:56:56 PM »
Welcome aboad Ayma,

Sounds like your kundalini is really active! I too have found that as k becomes more active, sensitivity to the enviroment becomes more noticeable. Here at AYP you will hear it referred to as "ecstatic conductivity".

As for the crown chakra, with the program that Yogani has set up for us we do not focus on the crown. This is to prevent a premature opening. We put the focus on Ajna (third eye). Yogani explains that by putting attention on ajna we stimulate the crown by proxy. This is a much safer method of stimulating the crown and allow it to awaken when it is the right time.

It sounds like your current practices (breathing, mantras, asanas, silence, stillness, etc) are very similar to AYP. Have you read through the lessons yet? There is alot of information there that may be very useful for you.

With Peace,


  • Posts: 2
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2005, 11:32:24 AM »
Yes I've read through the lessons.  It is truly wonderful they are available to all:-)  And yes there is no need to burst open the crown.  Blessings to you and thank you for your reflections



  • Posts: 193
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2005, 11:37:11 AM »
You are most welcome.
Yogani has really gone out of his way to make these lessons available to all.
I have a feeling that you may have some nice insights to contribute...


  • Posts: 1589
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2005, 02:18:41 PM »
Hi Ayma,

Yogani does outline "Managing the Opening of the Crown" in lesson 199.

He outlines criteria in this lesson and the lesson before on "targeted bastrika" that one should look for before continuing down this road, so you might want to see how that applies and works for you.

Keep us posted it, your sharing could be good learning for all of us!



  • Posts: 193
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2005, 12:50:02 AM »
Thanks for sharing that post Andrew,
I have not read that one in a while and it is a good one to review from time to time.

I would like to add a word of caution about the crown. Many years ago when I began to dabble in meditation, I came across a meditation technique that I began to explore. It had to do with laying in corpse pose and meditating on each chakra, one at a time. You would try to visualize the chakra and concentrate on it's attributes. So I layed there and worked on each chakra up and down the spine, over and over again. Finally, I spent quite some time at the crown. I had my eyes turned up and stayed there for some time. Suddenly I heard a voice saying "NO! Go Back!" (Guardian Angel - Higher Self??). Too late, a tremendous surge plowed through my body from the root up. I convulsed violently and the energy ripped right through my torso. I literally felt that I was torn in half and my lower half felt like it was maybe a foot away. It was both painful and frightening. I remained calm until the energy subsided. Then I layed there completely disoriented for several moments. The remainder of the day I felt as if my upper half and lower half of my body were not connected or were on different planes.

I think that I could have potentially caused some serious damage to my body and psyche. Granted, I was performing a meditation that was pretty extreme and I worked it for a couple of hours, but I became much more cautious after that ordeal. It's like Yogani says in the link that Andrew mentioned - When the crown is open, it's an open invite for kundalini to ascend. I was so new to meditation that my sushumna was not in any condition to accept this tremendous force. It literally blazed it's own trail through shear force. I was really lucky.

With Peace,


  • Posts: 2604
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2005, 01:07:03 AM »
Originally posted by lucidinterval1

 I remained calm until the energy subsided.

Wow!  Are you a commando in your spare time?  [:D]  Congratulations on your escape,  Commando Lucidinterval!

Seriously though,  I think your ability to actually remain calm probably helped you a lot.  That's 'command',  or Ajna.  So I think another thing that came into play to keep you OK is that you were fortunate that you just happened to have had enough of it when you stepped in there....

« Last Edit: September 08, 2005, 01:12:47 AM by david_obsidian »


  • Posts: 193
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2005, 01:51:14 AM »
I agree that staying calm probably kept me out of pretty substantial trouble. If I would have tensed up the outcome would most likely been very different. We don't need any more Gopi Krishna experiences out there!
