Author Topic: layoffs  (Read 592 times)


  • Posts: 21
« on: August 04, 2011, 05:44:53 AM »
So I have been truly enjoying my practices daily..... the positive effects are definitely carrying on into all my activities.  I feel so blessed to have finally found a system that makes sense to me.  Just saw this topic and was like...... perfect!  Anyhow....

I work as an executive in a design firm in LA.  I have been here for about 1.5 years and unfortunately some changes need to be made.  Seems that I am having to learn some sort of lesson here.  Come tomorrow, I need to inform two people that they no longer have their job.  

These are two people that I have grown close to....but responsibly, they no longer are a fit with the goals of the studio.  I have 2 partners and they are adamant that this needs to happen ASAP.  Anyhow, Im sure this task is just what I need to grow in some way....but Its been a serious mental burden.  The practices help me to truly exist more in the present...but the thought of going through this is a stressful one.

I will be in the room with my two partners having these conversations.  I hope I can bring some comfort to the situation but you can only do so much.  This is whats best for the health of the company but!  not fun.

Anyone have some experience in this?
Best Regards to All.