Author Topic: Books, Web Sites, Audio, Video, etc.  (Read 4043 times)


  • Posts: 6025
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Books, Web Sites, Audio, Video, etc.
« on: July 13, 2005, 03:00:28 AM »
One of the Niyamas (observances) is svadhyaya, which means spiritual study.

An interesting thing happens with many people when they begin to meditate. They become voracious readers of spiritual literature. It is one of the many examples of how the limbs of yoga are connected in us. Do one aspect of yoga, and the other aspects are stimulated.

There is plenty out there to read and study. In AYP, we try and point to as many resources as possible.

Of particular interest are the "Yoga Texts" near the bottom of the list in the AYP links section, at

There is also a book list on this web site with over 400 yoga and spiritual titles, with direct links to See

Increasingly, web sites, audio recordings, and videos are becoming available that can add new dimensions to our spiritual study.

Finally, there is the growing family of AYP books, ebooks and audiobooks (coming soon), which can be found at

This forum is the place to discuss all those great books, web sites, audios, and videos you have run across in your travels.

The guru is in you.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2015, 09:59:30 AM by yogani99 »