Author Topic: delayed reaction or what  (Read 165 times)


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delayed reaction or what
« on: July 30, 2019, 12:10:45 PM »
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Posted - Nov 03 2016 :  3:27:33 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Message  Delete Topic
I started doing kechari mudra in 2006 and within months I got to the final stage or step where the tongue is behind the nose and goes till it touches the top above the nose. I heard this can raise kundalini. I didn't feel any kundalini until three years after I did this and it lasted for 4 months. this summer I started doing kechari mudra again and didn't go up to the top, just behind the nose. it was actually 4 months before I got kundalini. is it normal to have this delayed reaction, or is it not the kechari mudra that caused the kundalini
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 Posted - Nov 03 2016 :  4:38:55 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi JH welcome,

Would you mind providing your yoga practices (AYP or not) and the duration of your meditation?
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 Posted - Nov 04 2016 :  3:00:39 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
i got a message i can rewrite it so when i have time i will write the details. i figure i need about an hour free before i decide to write it.
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 Posted - Nov 04 2016 :  4:03:29 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
I'll write the details since its a possibility kechari mudra alone may not have caused this. First I hope its ok to mention prayer because that may have a big part. In 2005 I was practicing simple yoga, the postures, no breathing or kundalini yoga. I wasn't even spiritual. All I wanted to do was daily stretches maybe 30 minutes or less a day with one hour classes twice a week. I wanted to be a contortionist. So I prayed with some emotion to be more flexable and felt a joy wave pass over me for 20 seconds or so. I kept on doing yoga stretches and in 2006 I read about Kechari mudra. I practiced that like I said and nothing happened till Feb 2009. I don't think I had done kechari mudra for a while. I was pondering a happy moment in church and soon felt what I can describe as a little ball of energy in my chest. it was weak. No yoga at this time.I was thinking and prayed is there more to this, and waves of joy very powerfull went over me for three hours. The next day I felt joy in my stomach. And later felt burning in my chest. This was happening a little for the next two weeks. In July 2009 I started doing simple stretching yoga and some praying. In late 2009 I was feeling stress and prayed with emotion and felt joy pain in my stomach then powerful burning in my chest. The next day I started having kryas in my arms and a stiffness in my legs. The kryas really didn't last for very long maybe a week or less. The burning, waves etc lasted for 4 months I felt it almost every day, sometimes during the day I would feel just normal. Now 2016 I had several years of falling away from prayer and did kechari mudra just for no reason. I felt pressure in my head 4 months later, then I prayed I would rather have that than my worries. I had six hours of weak and strong joy waves pass over me. Since 2015 I've been meditating three hours then up to six hours a night, I don't know if its real meditation I just think about anything or problem solving. Now the kundalini or whatever you want to call it comes and goes, mostly with easy music
or prayer or reflecting on it or in church. It feels like waves or almost a piercing joy in my chest or burning in my chest. Its not happening every day.
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 Posted - Nov 04 2016 :  10:02:13 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Welcome jh36m

Yes it is okay to mention prayer; within AYP the samyama practice is somewhat related to prayer, sutras released outward, and now with my prana is free flowing, it expresses as a sensation in my solar center. Devotion and sutras expressed outward are powerful practices, no wonder you can feel it physically.

You mentioned your ketchari mudra question was answered it another thread, so I won't go there, but thought I'd comment that three to six hours of meditation daily is a huge commitment, and who really has time for that? It could also lead to complications if you undertake powerful practices your body may not be prepared for. The free meditation lessons on this site offer a balanced yoga approach that you do in under an hour total, daily. A dedicated meditation practice opens you to your inner silence; this process rewires your neurobiology so that prana (energy) becomes free flowing. The soup of silence and energy, expressed outwardly, through prayer, sutras, service, and expressions of love, is how your yoga can foster positive, enduring change for ourselves first, our family and friends next, and ultimately the world at large.

As you noted, kundalini/prana rises and falls away, but with dedicated practice, you can arouse it whenever you wish. In time you realize "not doing", surrendering control and attachments to this arousal can open you up in amazing ways.

It seems you are a natural yogi, and perhaps should find some consistency with practice so you can even out your peaks and valleys. Again, welcome to this forum. This site has a ton of information on it, and for a mere $10 a month, AYP Plus allows you unlimited access to all the books and audio lessons. I'm a member there and highly recommend it.


Edited by - Dogboy on Nov 04 2016 10:06:40 PM
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 Posted - Nov 05 2016 :  05:21:36 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi jh36m,

Welcome and thank you for sharing your experiences. I second Dogboy in his reply and advices towards you.

Like you I had the nightly long practices and I wonder sometimes about it now. Your reply gives me insight in myself thats how it works here.
Take care, self-pace when needed, reading your reply, I believe it is happening naturally for you. Reading the lessons of Yogani will give you insights in your practices, and can help you with the unfolding of this journey. 
Edited by - Charliedog on Nov 05 2016 05:24:02 AM
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 Posted - Nov 05 2016 :  12:09:24 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Thanks very much for your replies