Author Topic: help me with energy causing spasm  (Read 949 times)


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help me with energy causing spasm
« on: July 02, 2019, 01:10:08 PM »
25 Posts

Posted - Jul 21 2018 :  12:29:24 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Message  Delete Topic
First of all, sorry for English, I'm using google translator

1. What are your symptoms and how long have you had them? Are your symptoms primarily physical, psychological, or both?

I have strong spasms when I pay attention to something. All possible spasms, in all regions of the body. It disturbs me a lot, because I can not pay attention to things, and I'm limited. That was about 4 months ago.

This problem is totally physical, even though I feel extremely depressed because of you.

2. Are your symptoms ongoing, or intermittent? If intermittent, when are they most likely to occur -- during what kind of activity and/or time of the day? Is your sleep affected?

ongoing. No problems spleeping

3. Do you consider your situation with kundalini to be the result of spiritual practices, or do you regard it to be spontaneous?

result of spiritual practices

4. What sort of spiritual practices have you been engaged in, if any? How long? How often? Are you aware that excessive spiritual practice can aggravate kundalini, often with a delayed reaction?

I do mindfulness, a technique I learned in a book that consists of paying attention to every part of your body. Be aware of each member. And then he listened to his breath.

I also sharpened my other senses after meditation. That made them evolve, and my consciousness also evolved.

made daily 50 min or 1 hour

5. Do you consider yourself to be ?sensitive? to spiritual practices? If so, with what practices, and what sort of measures have you taken to accommodate your sensitivity?


6. Do you think drugs have contributed to your kundalini situation?


7. Have you experienced traumatic events in your life that may have a bearing on your current symptoms?

yes.I suffered a lot emotionally, and that left me a fearful person.

8. Is your sexual lifestyle affecting your symptoms? Are you aware that obsessively limiting sexual release can increase kundalini energy and symptoms?

No. Yes

9. What is your general diet? Are you aware that a lighter diet can stimulate kundalini?

I eat too much carbohydrate. no

10. Do you engage in moderate exercise regularly, like walking, yard work, etc? Are you aware that regular exercise can help stabilize ("ground") kundalini symptoms?

do not. Yes

11. Are you a highly devotional person? Are you aware that excessive devotional activity, satsang or spiritual study can aggravate an active kundalini?

no. no

12. Are you engaged in ordinary daily activities like a job, school, family, parenting, social activity, service to others? Are you aware that such activities, undertaken without spiritual intention or expectations, can help ground excessive kundalini energies?

no. no

13. Have you been examined and treated by a medical doctor or mental health professional for your symptoms in the past? If so, what was the result?


14. Are there other factors and/or measures you are taking in relation to your situation that are not covered above?

I have tdah. And before I started to meditate I was a very distracted person. I could not pay attention to anything. Meditation changed me, and I became more aware.

my ability to pay attention grew over time, and I used it. I tried to look at things more clearly, using my vision, and that made the sense evolve. I could feel it in my brain. And I always thought it was something positive.
This happened with all the senses.

Over time I felt my brain evolve.

The spasms did not come so suddenly. Before I could enjoy my attention.

Now I am highly energized. I feel energy stuck in my abdomen. Always when I pay attention I have a bump on my back. And if I persist, it gets worse, and everything gets more intense.
It disturbs my breathing too, it changes sometimes, and gets more intense.

When I pay attention to some part of my body, that part has spasm. As if the energy were moved.

And there are also automatic yoga movements, which force me to make certain movements. It occurs when I pay attention to my body as a whole.

It has also happened that I go to church and my body responds because of the excess energy of the environment.

I already passed doctors, and the exams gave nothing. They do not have the answer to my problem.

I hope from the bottom of my heart that you help me in some way. The thing I most want is to be able to pay attention again, without the spasms.

15. Optional: What is your approximate age (teen, 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.)? What is your gender? We ask because the manifestation of kundalini symptoms can be affected by these factors.

20 years old. male

1543 Posts

 Posted - Jul 21 2018 :  04:08:21 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Delfos and welcome to these AYP forums

Thank you for answering this questionnaire. Sorry to hear about your difficulties. You experience what is called kriyas or automatic yoga movement. There is too much energy for the body to handle. This means you will have to self-pace.

It is at this moment best to stop for some time daily spiritual practices. You need grounding, like taking long walks in nature, yard work, and social interaction. Stop also with reading spiritual books etc. for some time. It could also be helpful to take healthy comforting foods.

Later when you found balance again, you can start again with a daily practice in which self-pace has to have an important role.

This lesson will give you all information about kundalini imbalances.

Edited by - Charliedog on Jul 21 2018 04:16:56 AM

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Jul 21 2018 :  05:03:28 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Delfos

I agree with Charliedog, you need to ground and find ways to integrate the energy.

A reasonably fit body will handle the energy better. It's worth considering some sort of fitness routine. Also try to channel the energy into something useful. If you are not busy with work or study, a bit of volunteering might be a good idea.

Other things to consider may be practices like yoga asanas, tai chi, or chin gung. These help smooth the energy flow.

One question for you: When you get these spasms, have you tried lying down and relaxing? What happens then, how long do the spasms last?

Originally posted by Delfos
I do mindfulness, a technique I learned in a book that consists of paying attention to every part of your body. Be aware of each member. And then he listened to his breath.
Does this technique involve focusing on the crown for any amount of time? If the answers is yes, then I would look around for another meditation technique. That is after you have grounded and the spasms have subsided.

All the best.
Edited by - BlueRaincoat on Jul 21 2018 06:31:57 AM

555 Posts

 Posted - Jul 23 2018 :  09:45:50 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Blanche's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Delfos,

The spasms are symptoms of kundalini awakening.

You can think about enlightenment as a three-part process:
-First the inner silence/stillness is awakened.
-Second the kundalini/ecstatic conductivity is awakened.
-Finally, the inner silence and the ecstatic conductivity merge to a state of unity.

It seems that the trip started in the middle for you. Awakening kundalini first is like pressing the gas pedal before the car tires are on the road (before the inner silence is awakened and stable).

As Charliedog and BlueRaincoat wrote, you need to integrate the energy. Try some things to see what works for you: go for long walks in nature, be active, spend time with people, reduce or take a break from spiritual practices, pray for help (even if you don?t quite believe in anything), eat healthy, sleep enough, and so on. You have to do this to get better. You got yourself here, and you have the power to charge things. All depends on you. Spiritual practices lead to a complete transformation of your nervous system, of your body and mind, and you need to work to help this process, even if it is going a little too fast now.

It is a good idea to cultivate inner silence and bring the wheels of your spiritual car on the road. One way is by learning mantra meditation ? see details here. Practice for 5 minutes twice a day, and see how you feel. If you are stable, gradually increase the practice to 20 minutes twice a day. Continue with only meditation for at least six months before you add any other practices.

Write here to let us know how you are doing.
Best wishes

25 Posts

 Posted - Jul 31 2018 :  10:50:18 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
thank you all for your attention and for your answers.
blanche: I started doing the practice that you indicated, and it was good, it seems that things have calmed down inside my body. The spasms ceased. But instead of them what happens to me is a very strong exhalation. My breath is forced, and I release all the air inside my lung. This happens when I pay attention to something. If I persist in paying attention, then this becomes a spasm in the body.
Would you like to know what to do? I just continue with the indicated practice?

On the ground, I have made walks and made prayers. It does not seem to have helped much. I'll keep doing it, of course.

You know, there seems to be a lot of energy concentrated in my abdomen, in my belly. It seems she's still there, imprisoned. I do not know what to do about it.

And do you practice like acupuncture? I'm doing it, do you think it helps?

Well, I will continue following the practice, I will go into a heavier workout routine, and continue following the procedures.

Thank you again for your help and attention, without you I would not even know where to start.

BlueRaincoat: about the coronary chakra, I really do not know to answer you. I remember that the energy went up, when I forced it, from the abdomen to the head. an enormous energy concentrated in the abdomen.

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Jul 31 2018 :  1:50:43 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Originally posted by Delfos
[Well, I will continue following the practice, I will go into a heavier workout routine, and continue following the procedures.

If you have a fitness routine, I would just continue with that. Intense physical effort can stimulate the energy, so be careful about stepping up to a very heavy workout.

If mantra meditations seems to help, try doing 10 minutes in each session, see what happens. Step back to 5 minutes if the discomfort increases following longer meditation sittings.

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 01 2018 :  09:31:30 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
wanted to know if things will normalize over time. Does the energy naturally readjust itself in my body? Or is it the meditation I'm doing that will make everything come back to normal?

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 01 2018 :  09:48:02 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
but I'm evolving. It's because all this makes me very bad because I go to a school know? and I have to work and pay attention to things. And I can not get it right. I get very sad because of my current condition.

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 Posted - Aug 01 2018 :  12:58:22 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Originally posted by Delfos

wanted to know if things will normalize over time. Does the energy naturally readjust itself in my body? Or is it the meditation I'm doing that will make everything come back to normal?

Yes, things will normalise.
You seem to have somehow awakened kundalini, but the energy channels in your body are not clear, so the energy gets stuck in the abdomen.

From what you have written, it seems that I AM meditation is already helping to clear the blockages along the channels. This is what it is for. Just build it up very carefully, as you need to find the right 'dose'. It is possible to overdo practices, you know, especially if you are sensitive (which you seem to be).

Try 10 minute sessions of I AM meditation for a few weeks and see how it goes. And keep us posted.

All the best.

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 01 2018 :  11:25:57 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
something that happened to me. Well I'm following the tips, I'm not exaggerating in practice and it seems I'm doing it right. but today, the meditation triggered a spasm in my body, something I had before. When I meditate, I feel that she is acting in my brain, in a specific region. but in this last meditation,I feel a sensation that moves in my brain, and when it arrives in a certain part, it generates the spasms. What should I do?
Edited by - Delfos on Aug 02 2018 02:16:57 AM

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Aug 02 2018 :  03:03:32 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Delfos

You have not answered my question earlier on:
Originally posted by BlueRaincoat
When you get these spasms, have you tried lying down and relaxing? What happens then, how long do the spasms last?

Sometimes kundalini does funny things, but if you relax and allow it to happen, the movements gradually subside.

I can understand that the spasms are not welcome when they occur during daily activity. But if they should only occur when you are at home, perhaps during your yoga practice, how big of a problem would that be? Are they painful or very uncomfortable? Is it possible that the fear of the spasms is more of a problem than the spasms themselves?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 03:18:27 PM by AYPadmin »


  • Posts: 2269
Re: help me with energy causing spasm
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2020, 11:21:23 AM »
6 Posts

 Posted - Aug 03 2018 :  04:30:30 AM 
Hi Delfos,

I have experienced similar issues and have tried many things to help. Standing Tai chi has been very helpful for me. You can try this video on youtube.

Do this exercise everyday for 10 minutes it should help.

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 04 2018 :  2:55:33 PM
BlueRaincoat: so in fact what happens to me is not a crisis of spasms, that suddenly I start to have spasms. But the spasms are associated with my attention, so if I pay attention, I already have spasms. So what stops me from having spasms would not be me to lie down and relax, but rather I stop paying attention.

But in this case that I mentioned above, it happened only when I was meditating. So, should I let all this come? Or do you think I should stop practicing?

AnotherYogi: Did you have the same situation as me? It's strange because I searched a lot on the internet and found nothing like it. I mean ... when you paid attention to something did you have a spasm?
If it's true, then I can try Tai Chi. But I'm very skeptical, as this seems to be an isolated case.
And I'm already showing improvement in this meditation that I do now too.
Anyway, thanks for the help ^^

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Aug 04 2018 :  3:55:07 PM
Originally posted by Delfos
But in this case that I mentioned above, it happened only when I was meditating. So, should I let all this come?

Yes, that was my thinking.
If you can have that release of energy at a time of your choosing (i.e. on your meditation seat), and allow it do its thing, as long as it is not causing you to suffer of course, this might go some way to solving the problem.
What do you feel about it? Worth a try?

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Aug 04 2018 :  4:50:15 PM
I should clarify: I'm not suggesting that you do the I AM meditation with the intent of causing spasms.
But should any spasms occur, let them take their course while you meditate. If they are so strong as to distract you from repeating the mantra, follow the instructions in Lesson 15:
Sometimes physical discomfort can happen during meditation. This is usually a symptom of the release of obstructions in the nervous system. If it interferes with the easy process of meditation, then pause with the mantra and allow the attention to be drawn to the physical discomfort. Just be with it for a while. Usually, this will dissolve the discomfort naturally. Once it does, go back to the mantra and continue your meditation until your time is up. Count the time you spent with your attention on the physical discomfort as part of your meditation time. If the sensation does not dissolve, lie down for while, until the sensation subsides. It is a good thing. A big obstruction is going. Let it go easily, naturally.

If, on the other hand, you are able to pay attention to the mantra while the spasms happen in the background, then do that.

How long are you making your meditation sessions?
Edited by - BlueRaincoat on Aug 04 2018 5:07:42 PM

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 04 2018 :  8:23:19 PM 
certainly worth a try. But the spasms only happened in this meditation I had done, the others did not have the same problem, which is good.

So I'm already doing 20 minutes. I even wanted to increase the time a little because it seems that I interrupt the practice when there are still things happening in my brain. It's like I end the flow.

But I was progressively increasing practice.

She has done me a lot of good.

One thing I have done is put the cell phone to wake up when it's 20 minutes, can I do it?

And one other thing, I'm very depressed because of that. Sometimes I'm super good, so other times I feel really bad. Can all this stress affect anything? Is it important to try to push him away? Because I know this technique clears the stress, but the sadness sometimes appears very strong.

I think that's all.

Will my breath one day go away with this meditation? Just as the spasms are gone, one hour will the breathing normalize?

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Aug 05 2018 :  06:00:40 AM
Originally posted by Delfos
I even wanted to increase the time a little because it seems that I interrupt the practice when there are still things happening in my brain. It's like I end the flow.

That is a definite 'no'. We do not increase the length of the session to make up for the time the mind has caused distractions. That is all part of the meditation procedure. The mind will come up with distractions, it is how this meditation method works. We do not fight the distractions and we do not add extra time at the end. All you need to do is gently pick up the mantra again when you realised you are off it.

What I was going to advise you was not to increase the length of your sessions beyond 10 minutes. Remember Blanche also advised you, when she suggested 5 minutes of I AM meditation, that you should increase the time very slowly, i.e. over some months, to a maximum of 20 minutes.

I think you are taking a risk by jumping to 20 minutes already.
With a powerful technique like mantra meditation, more is not better. There is an optimum length and it varies from persons to person. Nobody does more than 20 minutes in one session. You, having had excessive symptoms from your previous meditation practice, may well be oversensitive to meditation in general. To be on the safe side, I would advise that 10 minutes per session is enough for you, at least to start with. If you have practiced for several months like this, then you can try to increase to 15 minutes, and after a few more months, increase to the maximum limit of 20. It's important to allow several weeks or months before making changes, because the effects of meditation are delayed. The excessive practice you may be doing today - if you are practicing to excess - may not take effect till several weeks later. So I would say that the prudent approach is to build it up very gradually, starting with no more than 10 minutes in your case.

That is my recommendation at least. Perhaps other people around the forum would give an opinion.

Take care.
Edited by - BlueRaincoat on Aug 05 2018 06:04:56 AM

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 05 2018 :  10:48:49 AM
BlueRaincoat: You're right, I'll follow the recommendations given.
But what about this point of the alarm clock? How will I know if it's been 10 minutes or not?

1543 Posts

 Posted - Aug 05 2018 :  1:17:48 PM 
Hi Delfos,

'Insight timer' is an app to use on your cellphone. You can set several times (when needed) in one practice and it has singing bowl soft sounds.

I agree with the excellent advices you received of BlueRaincoat and Blanche. Take your time, to slowly build a practice and to read the lessons.

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 05 2018 :  1:55:16 PM
Charliedog: thanks for the help

943 Posts

 Posted - Aug 05 2018 :  7:36:13 PM 
Hey, I know what you are talking about. It's not spasms for me, it starts with heartburn. If I get it bad enough, anywhere I pay attention to in my body/energy body will burn with pain. I've learnt how to switch awareness off the body and energy body, but I have zero idea on how to describe it or how to do it. Anyway, the more attention you give it, makes it worse( as you already know).

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 05 2018 :  10:37:58 PM 
The spasms came back. Now out of meditation. Movements very similar to the previous ones. Automatic yoga movement. It basically starts with my breathing, which is already out of control. It loses control until it sucks up all the air and inflates the whole lung, after that happens the movement. My body starts to shake and I let the air out of my lungs. Sometimes there is an unbearable headache, but it lasts little.

There is nothing to say, this is happening the same things as before. Automatic yoga

As it happens, I feel the blockages I have in my brain being eliminated. The feeling is good. It's like I have a lot of energy in my body, and a little in my head. Therefore the body itself tries to balance everything, causing the flow of energy to go to the head.

In one of my kriyas, the hearing improved. As if you had deleted a lock

I do not know what to do, do I ignore them or let them come?

I long for your answers ^^.

1543 Posts

 Posted - Aug 06 2018 :  01:48:25 AM 
As said, what you experience is automatic pranayama/yoga. It comes of your attention on the breath. You can let it happen or stop it, it is your choice. Of-course we have to get used to it if we never experienced this before, but this is you, the energy. 

Important is to ground, have social contacts, do something for someone else. Do not over-analyse yourself.....

I speak from own experience, if you have time, lay down on the floor and let it happen, surrender to the automatic yoga. After some time of enjoying, stand up and go out into the world. Get to know yourself.

And important, start a short daily practice and self-pace, like written above. You received all you need here, time to relax, read some and enjoy your practice. You are in a transformational phase, it all will smooth out, you get used to it and life goes on.

Edited by - Charliedog on Aug 06 2018 01:56:16 AM

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Aug 06 2018 :  06:19:47 AM 
I subscribe to Charliedog's advice - if the spasms are not too uncomfortable, let them happen.
There is no quick fix, but once you stop fighting them, one day you will find you can live with them, then they will get less and less, till one day they will stop appearing altogether.

Originally posted by Delfos
Sometimes I'm super good, so other times I feel really bad. Can all this stress affect anything? Is it important to try to push him away? Because I know this technique clears the stress, but the sadness sometimes appears very strong.

The ups and downs are also a sign of overload. You must adjust your meditation practice so that you keep these symptoms at a manageable level. Yogani calls it "the art of cleaning the house without raising too much dust". Sometimes it's easier to do, sometimes it's more difficult. You are facing a bit of a challenge now, but it will get better.

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 06 2018 :  12:27:48 PM 
I think the reason these moves happened again is because yesterday I ran a lot. I was just doing long walks, but yesterday I raced a lot when I went hiking. Do you think that could be it?

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Aug 06 2018 :  1:45:40 PM 
It is possible. I think I already wrote in a post above that intense physical effort stimulates the energy.
The symptoms happen because you are at the edge already - a little bit of extra stimulation and you've crossed into overload. You need to give self-pacing a thought - reduce yoga practice or take a break from if for a few day. And engage in grounding activities.

6 Posts

 Posted - Aug 07 2018 :  4:23:10 PM
Hey Delfos,

Yes it sounds like we had similar symptoms. Sometime the spasms would be very intense and sometimes happened after I was finished sitting if I brought my attention to the blockage. When it first started happened it worried me a lot, but now I know it was just my body doing what it needed to release a blockage.

I found that running also made it worse afterwards and that hiking was very helpful. Also a gentle yoga asana class helps me also. For me I still have some automatic yoga but I have grown used to it and I just try to let them happen. They will pass and there is usually and nice feeling when they release.

Your body knows what it needs to do, you just need to sit and let it happen!

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 07 2018 :  9:13:04 PM 
Is it preferable for me to meditate before walking, or after?

AnotherYogi: Good to know that this will happen, but I want it to pass soon. This disrupts my performance in school and personal life.

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 09 2018 :  2:16:30 PM
I have a doubt. how will I become in the future making use of this meditation? Am I going to have the power of attention I had before? or will I involute at that point?

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Aug 09 2018 :  5:32:51 PM 
You will have better power of attention, metal focus, memory etc. than you had before. You need to find a steady routine and a good balance in daily life, and improvements will happen very gradually over the months and years.

Walking after meditation (after you've had the 10 minute rest of course) can help integrate the energy. But if it suits you better to have a walk before your meditation, that shouldn't be a problem. It is strenuous exercise that is not recommended right before sitting practices.
Edited by - BlueRaincoat on Aug 10 2018 01:39:33 AM
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 03:23:28 PM by AYPadmin »


  • Posts: 2269
Re: help me with energy causing spasm
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2020, 03:23:39 PM »
25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 09 2018 :  5:49:51 PM
Will this really happen? because before the problems appeared I was exceptionally well. with an absolute mental power.

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Aug 10 2018 :  01:39:04 AM
It's hard to improve on the absolute.
What I can say is that people report improved mental abilities as a result of consistent meditation practice.

555 Posts

 Posted - Aug 10 2018 :  06:08:41 AM 
Hi Delfos,

You are going through a process of transformation. At the end, you will find yourself at another level, in another state of equilibrium. It will be different than the one you had before all this started to happen. It took you time to get here, it took time to start getting spasms, so it is normal to take some time to get better. From time to time you might still have spasms, and this is normal. Things take time to change.

The fact that your attention is different shows that this transformation involves not only the body, but also the mind. You are changing like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly! Something to keep in mind: The AYP lessons are verified by the experience of hundreds of practitioners. Most of them go through this transformation without a lot of difficulties. You may want to read the lessons and learn the practices gradually, for a easier journey.

Best wishes.

United Kingdom
3541 Posts

 Posted - Aug 10 2018 :  06:48:01 AM 
Hi Delfos,

You have received very good advice from others already.

Spasms are a symptom of kundalini that some people experience from time-to-time. As you mentioned, it often only happens when the attention becomes focussed, so avoiding this can prevent the spasms from happening, or can make them happen less.

Gradually, over time, the spasms will turn into a trembling sensation in the body and from there will turn into a light vibration. At some point they will become ecstatic and very pleasurable. The ecstasy will often be localised at first, but will gradually expand to include the whole body and will expand from there beyond the body. Other transformations will take place as well as the process unfolds.

Just to mention, the meditation technique that you described, where the attention is moved around the body, is not necessarily a safe one and people do often experience issues with it, such as the issue you are describing here. It could be advisable not to go back to that. There are much safer forms of meditation. In general, a full-scope yoga practice which incorporates all eight-limbs, is the safest and easiest path to follow.

Be patient with yourself and take the time needed to integrate what has happened in the past and move forwards from there.

It will be alright!


25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 11 2018 :  7:40:13 PM 
I'm having these tremors described by Christi. Only I have a doubt:
I was meditating, and suddenly my feet began to shake, spreading all over my leg. I at first stopped the mantra, and began to pay attention to my leg. But later the question came to me: should I stop or not with the mantra?
I mean, what am I supposed to do in this situation? Stop with the mantra and watch the movement, or ignore it and continue meditation?

42 Posts

 Posted - Aug 12 2018 :  02:39:53 AM 
Originally posted by Delfos

what am I supposed to do in this situation? Stop with the mantra and watch the movement, or ignore it and continue meditation?

There you find the appropriate method how to deal with those kind of situations...

Here is an excerpt from this lesson:

*Sometimes physical discomfort can happen during meditation. This is usually a symptom of the release of obstructions in the nervous system. If it interferes with the easy process of meditation, then pause with the mantra and allow the attention to be drawn to the physical discomfort. Just be with it for a while. Usually, this will dissolve the discomfort naturally. Once it does, go back to the mantra and continue your meditation until your time is up. Count the time you spent with your attention on the physical discomfort as part of your meditation time. If the sensation does not dissolve, lie down for while, until the sensation subsides. It is a good thing. A big obstruction is going. Let it go easily, naturally. The same procedure applies if you are overcome with a barrage of overbearing thoughts, which may or may not be accompanied by physical sensations. If you can't easily go back to the mantra, just be with the thoughts until they dissipate enough so you can easily pick up the mantra again. Remember, meditation is not a fight with physical or mental activity we may have. These are all symptoms of the release of obstructions from deep in the nervous system. We just let them go. Our job is to follow the easy procedure of thinking the mantra and allowing the process of inner cleansing to happen. This is not a war on the level of the conscious mind. You can never win it that way. We are working from the inside, within and beyond the subconscious mind. In order to do this we must allow the natural ability of the mind to take us in. So learn to think the mantra easily, and let it go in.*

All the best

25 Posts

 Posted - Aug 15 2018 :  8:00:18 PM 
I was walking and suddenly I started reciting the mantra automatically in my mind. I interrupted when I realized. What I did is correct? is not clearly the mantra, but one of the ways in which it appears in my meditation.

The ayp method is good for those who have adhd?

I always had a vision, from meditation as a way of developing intelligence, the ayp method helps at that point?

1543 Posts

 Posted - Aug 16 2018 :  06:12:12 AM
We practice two times a day deep meditation. We never use the mantra outside the practice. You were correct to stop it.

Those who have the diagnose ADHD and can have the discipline to practice daily will for sure benefit, this is because AYP calms the mind.

AYP is a methode to purify the whole system. With daily practice we remove the veils of ignorance. All becomes available, All is in us. Love, Wisdom and many more qualities.

If we practice daily, in time we develop the quality to focus, one pointed concentration (dharana). One of the benefits of dharana is, you can study without the mind continuously running from here to there while you are trying to concentrate.

25 Posts

 Posted - Sep 08 2018 :  1:19:14 PM 
Have I completed 1 month of meditation for 10 minutes? Can I do it for 15 minutes now?

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Sep 08 2018 :  3:27:35 PM
Hello Delfos
Good to hear from you.

That's great. Have you been doing 10 minutes once a day or 10 minutes twice a day?

25 Posts

 Posted - Sep 08 2018 :  6:15:47 PM
10 minutes twice a day

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Sep 09 2018 :  01:48:51 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Very good. You've got the regularity in your practice and 10 minutes in a good length session for somebody who has had sensitivity issues.

Tell us how you are feeling in day-to-day life. Have the spasms you mentioned before been bothering you in the last month?

25 Posts

 Posted - Sep 10 2018 :  10:30:22 AM 
Okay, I'll continue meditating for 10 minutes.

The problem still continues, I can not pay attention due to spasms or altered breathing.

A silence has taken possession of me. A sense of emptiness rising inside my body. Things seem to be quieter, I feel it. Even once he had been trying to sleep in the bed and all this emptiness possessed me, I went into shock. But it only happened once, and I'm fine.

But what I am trying to do is relax and just continue with the meditation routine. I am confident that this will all improve one day and I will be able to pay attention without any adversity.

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Sep 14 2018 :  10:40:12 AM 
Hi Delfos

If I understand correctly, these spasms are preventing you for getting on with your daily activities, whether it's study or work, right?

If that is the case, then the yoga routine you are currently on is not sustainable. The advice is to switch to a milder form of meditation. Instead of mantra meditation, you can try using the breath as your meditation object. The procedure is the same - easily favour the sensation of your breath. Have a look at Lesson 367 - Suggestions for Over-Sensitive Meditators

If this form of meditation is still too much and your symptoms do not subside, then you need to spend some time just grounding, and no practice. That time will not be lost. You will be integrating the energy that has been stimulated by you past practice.

Take care and all the best.

Will Power
415 Posts

 Posted - Sep 26 2018 :  03:56:26 AM 
Hi Delfos,

Besides all the advice that you have received, I?d like to mention that there is an exercise called skeletal shaking that you can use to ground yourself, which will improve the circulation of energy in your body, which you need to ease the automatic movements. Don?t supress the automatic movements (unless you are in a place you feel you need to supress them, but then find a place where you can let your body move).
Lifting heavy weight also helps to ground.

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - Sep 26 2018 :  3:44:19 PM
Originally posted by Will Power
Lifting heavy weight also helps to ground.

It might for some people. Does not happen here - intense physical exercise, including weight lifting will hyke up the prana, so I have to self-pace my fitness routine when I experience kundalini overload.

25 Posts

 Posted - Nov 22 2018 :  7:24:36 PM 
the problem I was making is that I was very forcing attention, and it was making the energy focus on my head all the time. I stopped it, went back to doing the meditation and everthing is right.
One thing that has happened to me now is that I feel a slight pain in the top of my head, sometimes it even gets worse. And I also have thoughts that make me scream, they are not bad thoughts, but they are thoughts in which I find myself in embarrassing situations. When I have them, I feel like screaming. Before, in the beginning, I had them and spoke mentally "NO". It has evolved and now I feel like screaming. I notice also that meche with my energy from the top of the head.
But that's it. I think I'm on the right track now. The error, which was giving the spasms, is that I was forcing my attention, and consequently forcing energy.

6 Posts

 Posted - Nov 24 2018 :  05:38:17 AM 
Hi Delos,

I have been dealing with thoughts relating to embarrassing things also for the last few months. I feel to urge to shout out as well as well as thinking negative thoughts about myself "I'm so stupid" etc.

I believe that the practice brings up these unpleasant thoughts and feelings for a reason, so that we can develop a new and better relationship to parts of ourselves we do not want to feel. So I try be compassionate towards myself when I have these memories and thoughts and not to push them away. This is very hard thing to do! We can't only welcome the pleasant thoughts, feelings and sensations. When I have the urge to shout out or run away from these thoughts I remind myself its OK, I even say in my head "It's ok " and try to breath thought the unpleasantness.

With time it gets easier. Best of luck

25 Posts

 Posted - Feb 08 2019 :  6:49:24 PM 
coming back here for more questions haha .
says that masturbation and sex life is important to appease kundalini energy, but how long can I stay without masturbating? should I masturbate daily, weekly, monthly ... how long?
thank you for the attention

25 Posts

 Posted - Feb 13 2019 :  10:19:45 AM 
someone to answer me?
I'm divided. Science says that it is not good masturbation, and here it says that without marturbation or sex can worsen the state of kundalini.
Just wanted an average time anyway.

1581 Posts

 Posted - Feb 13 2019 :  12:25:52 PM
Hey Delphos

Having sex to ejacultaion should ease strong kundalini symptoms, just be cautious, having extended relations amps this energy up. Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Ask ten men, get ten answers. This decision should be based on your experience and libido. Here's a few of the free tantra lessons here on AYP, you might consider reading them all.

Edited by - Dogboy on Feb 13 2019 12:30:17 PM

25 Posts

 Posted - May 20 2019 :  6:05:21 PM 
hello my friends, I'm back.
the spasms have turned to heartburn, I feel stomach burning. That's when I force attention, when I'm studying, watching classes, activities that demand attention.
I have some questions to ask:
1 - Does that mean any progress?
2 - When I have the symptoms, due to being paying attention, do I return in relation to kundalini? What I had integrated is lost and back to what I was before?
3 - Are there any estimates of when I will be normal, healthy, again?
Thanks for the attention, fellows.

United Kingdom
1486 Posts

 Posted - May 22 2019 :  03:25:13 AM 
Hello Delfos
Originally posted by Delfos
That's when I force attention, when I'm studying, watching classes, activities that demand attention.

This is a typical kundalini issue - any form of concentration intensifies the energy. You need to use any methods available to ground and reduce the energy.

Originally posted by Delfos
Does that mean any progress?

Yes, the energy has cleaned up (or partly cleaned up) an area, the symptoms there will stop or reduce, and you will begin to feel the purifying effects elsewhere. Nothing is lost, but you need to manage this process so that you can get on with your day to day life, whether this is work or study. So grounding and reducing any yoga practices to a sustainable level is what you need to be thinking of.

Originally posted by Delfos
Are there any estimates of when I will be normal, healthy, again?
I'm afraid there is no rule. It could be some months or some years. It's different from person to person. That's why the priority has to be on attaining some sort of stability. Blasting through with the practice may mean years of discomfort. You need to self-pace.

25 Posts

 Posted - Jun 27 2019 :  2:48:32 PM
Lately, in my walks, I have had involuntary breaths, involuntary steps, blinking eyes. Nothing that disturbs me much and that prevents me from walking.
Sometimes I also feel like running, my steps speed up, and I just run, giving up.
Anyway, is all this normal? Thank you.

1581 Posts

 Posted - Jun 27 2019 :  7:41:52 PM 
Automatic movements, mudras, bandas, asanas can be a byproduct of the process and quite normal.

27 Posts

Posted - Nov 23 2019 :  10:04:39 AM
So I'm feeling little electric shocks on various parts of the body. Wanted to know if this is part of the process?
I feel that I am also more sensitive to the effects of kundalini
Edited by - Delfos on Nov 23 2019 11:18:58 AM

1711 Posts

Posted - Nov 23 2019 :  11:56:25 AM
If you have a dedicated practice, I would consider any unusual, temporary symptoms to be a result of purification. If symptoms become persistent, sharp in expression, or cause you concern, have it medically evaluated. This lesson can enlighten you on finding relief in and outside of practice.

27 Posts

Posted - Nov 23 2019 :  2:01:58 PM 
It is nothing very worrying and painful. It happens a lot when I'm using an electronic device (notebook, smartphone ...).
It happened after I forced my attention to read a college text. Then I started to feel bad, but nothing very unusual, because always when I force a lot I feel bad. However, after that I became more spiritually sensitive.
But I was happy before that, it seemed to be evolving, beginning to have the awareness I had before the kundalini was awakened.