Author Topic: Gratitude  (Read 473 times)


  • Posts: 3001
« on: May 14, 2008, 05:02:29 AM »
well i feel that i am in debt to yogani's teachings and want to speak about what i realized until now from like between 2 and a half months of almost steady practice.

from the 1st three to six days i had my early crown chakra opening under control.

from the scd week i literaly got a lot of helpful msgs from the guru within and a powerful connection grew and i have and i know now how to benefit best from my intuition and then ecstatic conductivity started rising but in a controlable manner ofcourse.

and later on siddhis do occur more then often even though i'm not practicing anything behind the technique of kechari but thinking about adding up some things this summer.

plus i'm experiencing some mind blowing states of awarness and so on.

and now at this time after practicing for this short term i'm experiencing that deep sense of peace and joy plus ecstatic conductivity and there's too that huge presence of spontaneous laughter and deep love and respect for everyone and so on.

but most importantly i am experiencing that deep state of peace.

and maybe all of the mentioned above are scenaries and i know i shouldn't get attached to them which i'm not and this y i think i'm experiencing this stuff even more (hope i didn't seem egoistic).

meaning all i wanted to say by this msg is thk you yogani, you've been a huge help to my spiritual evolvement and god bless you my brother.

and this is one huge karma burning stuff you're doing here by spreading this work may you stay in god's grace and the best wishes for you and your family.

and i would like to thank everyone in this forum for just being who they are, cz everyone here is helping through out there posts without even knowing and just being between you guys is a great honor.

and again and again sorry for my bad english[:D]

cheers everyone.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 05:09:59 AM by AYPforum »