Author Topic: Kundalini in my dream?  (Read 416 times)


  • Posts: 16
Kundalini in my dream?
« on: April 23, 2010, 01:58:02 AM »
I must confess that over the past few months my Kundalini meditative practices have been sporadic. I've been under a little more pressure than I'm accustomed to, but I'm handling it, so there's not a great deal of disturbance in normal, healthy routine. It seems that I've just been lazy about it. I'd like to relate the following experience, if I may, which I consider one of the major landmarks in my (somewhat lazy) Kundalini journey. It may or may not mean anything but it sure as day got my attention.

Just yesterday I was reading a post here about a Kundalini meditative technique that includes focusing on the tip of one's nose as essential practice, in addition to breathing separately through each nostril. All very well. I took note of it yesterday and decided that I'll try it this week.

Last night in bed I was dreaming about this technique. I don't remember much of it but I distinctly remember making a conscious effort to focus on the tip of my nose and focus on a particular mantra, which strangely enough I can'r seem to recall today. The very moment I mouthed the mantra in my dream, I was jolted awake by an immense energy in my stomach. The best way to describe it was intense heat and electricity. In the haziness between the dream world and the waking one, I recognized this to be something important that I should allow to move as it pleases. So I mentally released whatever "boundaries" I could imagine, and I suddenly felt this immense energy grow and shoot up through my chest, throat, face, and into the top of my head. I felt engulfed by it and a little frightened. Throughout all this I was unable to breathe. The energy shot out the top of my head and slowly dissipated. I was breathing heavily and in a bit of a sweat after all this. It was astounding. I went back to sleep, perplexed by it all, feeling no different than before it happened. This morning it's as if nothing had occurred. I feel no changes.

I'm a normally healthy individual who keeps fit and is focusing on an academic career (so all's well), but with strong Kundalini symptoms manifesting themselves sporadically over the past two years. I'm intensely creative, slightly manic now and then (which seems to only enrich my life and creativity, actually), and am not taking anything beyond plenty of green tea, especially in capsule form, and PS (phosphatidylserine) for enhanced cognitive function and neuro-protection.

As a child (between 9-11 years) I used to (involuntarily) astral-project on a regular nightly basis for about two years. It was very, very vivid and detailed. I still have distinct memories of everything I saw and experienced. That ability went away once I entered my teens, or else it became much, much more difficult to accomplish.

So how should I be taking last night's experience? Is this simply another Kundalini-related symptom (the most powerful yet), or is this something much more? I don't really feel any different today.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 02:03:10 AM by CRS »