Author Topic: Fasting & Weight Loss  (Read 375 times)


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Fasting & Weight Loss
« on: July 17, 2019, 01:32:09 PM »
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Posted - Jan 18 2017 :  5:46:44 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Message  Delete Topic
Hi everyone.

At the moment, I'm on my perfect weight for my height and current body composition.

For many many months, I've skipped breakfast, which was never hard.
Basically I fast for 14-16h (mostly only have lunch & dinner, sometimes a mid-day snack). Ex: I finish dinner @ 21:00 -> and only eat again @ 13:00.

Now, I would like to try fasting once a week, or more, but I don't want to lose any weight.. that would not be good.

My question is, how can a person who is on his/her ideal weight or someone who has a thin body, fast and not lose more weight? I guess it's impossible, which would mean I can't fast.

Thanks for helping.
111 Posts

 Posted - Jan 19 2017 :  12:40:08 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Domos I suggest you start one day fasts and keep an eye on your weight. A typical one day fast where you consume only water will see you drop two to three pounds. This weight loss should be made back up in your case before you fast again. I would avoid eating a lot just before your fast as that defeats the purpose of the fast in my opinion. The calorie intake should be highest in the first days after the fast and taper back to your normal diet before your next one. Too much zeal for fasting in your case will see a loss in muscle mass which must be avoided.

I think one, one day fast every two weeks would be apropriate for you. That way you can manage your weight perfectly. Rising one pound above your ideal weight going into the fast and dropping about two pounds during the fast would see your weight hovering right around your ideal. Once you've done it once or twice you could probably do it by feel without even jumping on the scale. It's amazing how atuned to our bodies we become when we switch to a holistic lifestyle.

If full day fasting sees you loosing too much weight I recommend you try partial day fasts where you fast "after" your first meal of the day, and have that meal early while you are not very hungry yet. This will see you going to bed hungry and that is the best time to be free from distractions and alone with your struggle. And this struggle is the arena where the spiritual part of the fast takes place for me.

I don't know about others, but I believe a bland(no refined sugar or added salt) natural diet with some spirtual fasting is one of the ingredients to an effective program along with Karma and Bhakti Yoga. I am just starting to meditate again after many years, but have been on a spiritual quest for several years now. Fasting has really enhanced my spiritual life and I hope it does the same for you.

Edited by - Herb on Jan 23 2017 11:55:15 PM