Author Topic: new head space  (Read 652 times)


  • Posts: 875
new head space
« on: May 05, 2006, 03:57:04 AM »
For a few weeks I've noticed that during pranayama, the in-breath has been moving up my spine differently.  Whereas it used to move up vaguely in the center of the spine, it's now toward the back, and then more significantly, it passes through the back of my head before making the sharp turn to finish at ajna.  I've had no intentions around this - it's just something that I notice, and the effect of it seems to be a space opening up in the back of my head.  This is giving me the effect during meditation of a larger and more open experience;  the difference between watching a play on a stage at the front of a theater, versus watching a theater in the round (where I am at the center of the stage).  Awkward explanations, I know.  Does anyone  know what I'm talking about?  I'm rather enjoying it, and am not looking for advice on how to end it.  I'm simply looking for insights into the matter.  Also, the thin line of the breath isn't so thin anymore - it actually takes up quite a bit of room. Again, not something I'm worried about, but I'd like to hear if anyone else has had a similar experience.  Thanks!

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
new head space
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2006, 04:32:57 AM »
How does the external world seem? Are you more peaceful in it, or does it feel more frictiony and disconnected? Yogani suggests we guage progress by observing our passage through the external world, so that's a yardstick I hold dear.

The sharp turn is what's important. Over and out to third eye, rather than up to crown. As Yogani says, the crown gets its indirect nourishment from this approach. My guess is that you're just getting more sensitive awareness of the pathway, which is a fine thing (though the awareness ebbs and flows).

As for the watching the meditation thing, let me offer a visualization that's been incredibly valuable for me over the years for when paradoxes like this threaten to spiral  (who's watching? And who's watching to observe the watching?  etc etc): Visualize (just after meditation, when you have some silence) yourself sitting on a tree branch, facing the trunk. And saw away at the branch in front of you. And see what happens. Don't report back here...better for everyone to have their own experience.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2006, 04:33:33 AM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 1589
new head space
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2006, 01:20:11 PM »
Hi Meg,

I just finished the section in Yogani's Spinal Breathing book that covers the natural evolution of our pranayama practices and how our awareness of the spinal nerve evolves over-time. Your experience fits in exactly with Yogani's description of our changing dynamic with the spinal nerve and inner space.

Something to enjoy, sounds like your efforts are working![8D]