Author Topic: Amaroli and conception  (Read 5806 times)


  • Posts: 88
Amaroli and conception
« on: January 05, 2010, 09:34:42 AM »
My wife and I have been practicing amaroli for over 15 months now.  We have noticed several positive health changes due to this practice.  I should also state that my meditations are deeper when I practice amaroli.

I was reading Swami Satyananda Saraswati's 'Kundalini Tantra' book (I came to know of this book from AYP lesson 253 this week and came across the following statement on the book.

Quote from 'Kundalini Tantra' page 107 by Swami Satyananda Saraswati  "The practice of amaroli is very important for married women.  The word amaroli means "immortal" and through this practice one is freed of many diseases.  Practicing amaroli over a prolonged period also produces a hormone known as prostaglandin which destroys the ova and prevents conception from taking place"  End quote

I was a little shocked to read the above text.  My wife and I are planning for our second child for the past couple of years and there is no luck so far.  We would not want to jeopardize that with the practice of amaroli.

I would appreciate if some one who has more knowledge on this subject can clarify or explain the above statements of Swami Satyananda Saraswati.  Does practice of amaroli for long periods destroy the ova and prevent conception?  If so, how long is the "long period" mentioned on the text above?


« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 12:26:06 AM by rkishan »


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
Amaroli and conception
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 09:28:38 AM »
Hi Ram:

On amaroli and reduced ovulation, there is some mention in yoga lore about it (besides Satyananda). Is it true? I'm not aware of any scientific research on it. On the other side, there are opinions out there that amaroli aids fertility and makes birth control pills less effective. What to believe? It needs some science.  

For those who are having difficulty conceiving, it may be wise for the woman to discontinue amaroli until there is conception, while recognizing that this is only one of many factors.

There are also mixed opinions on whether a woman should be doing amaroli during pregnancy. It has been pretty common in the East for centuries.

Btw, amniotic fluid is mostly fetal urine. We were all made in our own urine. [:)]

Note: Amaroli and ovulation were also discussed here:

All the best!

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 88
Amaroli and conception
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2010, 12:25:33 AM »

Many thanks for your reply and the suggestion to discontinue for those who are having difficulty conceiving.

This will be a difficult choice, considering there is conflicting information about amaroli's role in conception, and given the fact that we have experienced many health benefits first hand.  I was trying to find more information on amaroli and fertility online and came across information that suggested amaroli aids the conception.

One of the interesting information that I found on multiple websites including is this:

"The Ares-Serono Group, one of the world's largest fertility-drug companies, produces the fertility hormone drug Pergonal from the urine of post-menopausal women in Italy, Spain, Brazil, and Argentina. In 1992 the company reported earnings of $855 million, and women pay up to $1,400 per month for this urine extract. The U.S. company Enzymes of America uses a special filter to collect the proteins from men's urinals in the 10,000 portable outhouses owned by its subsidiary firm, Porta-John. They've turned their collections into a pricey heart attack medicine called Urokinase."

As you pointed out, I was not able to find any specific scientific study which clearly concluded one way or the other on amaroli and conception.

I am going to pass on your suggestion to my wife and ask her to read this topic on the forum.
