Advanced Yoga Practices Plus
Yoga and Spiritual Book List
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The AYP list of nearly 500 yoga, spiritual, and related books is discussed in Lesson #253.
The books are divided into fifteen categories: 1-Yoga/Tantra/Advaita-Vedanta,
, 3-Taoism
4-Theosophy, 5-Judeo/Christian,
6-Western Mystics/Teachers
, 7-Islam/Sufism, 8-Shamanism,
9-Channeled Teachings
, 10-Biographies, 11-Inspiring Stories, 12-Health,
, 14-Death/Reincarnation, and 15-Other Related Books.


Bishop, Ross -- Healing the Shadow (2nd Edition) -- 2012 -- Healing inner wounds with Shamanic practices, utilizing the ancient wisdom in a modern context.
Castaneda, Carlos
-- Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge -- 1968 -- The classic book that introduced much of the world to the Shaman way of life, and the use of hallucinogens for spiritual purposes.
Harner, Michael -- The Way of the Shaman -- 1990 -- One of the most popular books on incorporating shaman principles in everyday living.
Long, Max Freedom -- The Secret Science Behind Miracles -- 2009 edition -- A chronicle of studies conducted in the early 20th century on the healing, magic and spiritual powers of the shaman kuhunas of the Hawaiian Islands.
Narby, James -- Cosmic Serpent -- 1998 -- An examination of the relationship of our scientific understanding of DNA and the helical serpent visions experienced in Shamanistic visionary states induced by hallucinogenic plants.
Neihardt and Black Elk -- Black Elk Speaks -- 1932 -- The story of the last days of the Lakota Native American nation, and an enduring spiritual testament for all humankind.
Ruiz, Don Miguel -- The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom -- 1997 -- The four agreements we can make with ourselves to bring us happiness in daily living, from the ancient Shaman/Toltec wisdom.

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