Advanced Yoga Practices Plus
Yoga and Spiritual Book List
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The AYP list of nearly 500 yoga, spiritual, and related books is discussed in Lesson #253.
The books are divided into fifteen categories: 1-Yoga/Tantra/Advaita-Vedanta,
, 3-Taoism
4-Theosophy, 5-Judeo/Christian,
6-Western Mystics/Teachers
, 7-Islam/Sufism, 8-Shamanism,
9-Channeled Teachings
, 10-Biographies, 11-Inspiring Stories, 12-Health,
, 14-Death/Reincarnation, and 15-Other Related Books.


Andrews, Ted -- The Healer's Manual -- 1993 -- A beginners guide to energy therapies.
Anonymous -- Alcoholics Anonymous (the Big Book) -- 1935 -- The guiding light of the AA movement, defining the now-famous "Twelve Step" program that is used to treat virtually every form of addiction and compulsive behavior. Millions of lives have been improved by the Twelve Step program in its many applications.
Armstrong, John -- The Water of Life - A Treatise on Urine Therapy -- 1971 -- Intriguing case studies that show how urine therapy has been successfully used to treat cases of the common cold, rheumatisn, arthritus, mucus colitus, obesity, prostate trouble, pyorrhoea and many other disorders and diseases.
Banchek, Linda -- Ayurveda Cookbook -- 1990 -- One of the best ayurveda cookbooks.
Benson, Herbert -- Relaxation Response -- 1975 -- A simple meditation technique that has been learned by millions.
Borysenko, Joan -- Minding the Body, Mending the Mind -- 1984 -- An associate of Herbert Benson of "Relaxation Response" fame examines the role of stress management and the mind/body connection in maintaining health.  
Brennan, Barbara -- Hands of Light -- 1987 -- The classic work on hands-on healing. It is the standard for many Western practitioners.
Bruce, Robert -- Energy Work -- 2007 -- Using the principles of energy management for healing and spiritual development.
Chopra, Deepak -- Creating Health -- 1987 -- His first book on Ayurveda, written under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Chopra, Deepak -- Quantum Healing -- 1989 -- Expanding the view of the mind/body connection in medicine and healing. The role of consciousness.
Chopra, Deepak -- Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide -- 1991 -- Chopra's most comprehensive book on Ayurveda.
Christy, Martha -- Your Own Perfect Medicine -- 1994 -- The amazing medicinal powers of the ancient spiritual method of amaroli - urine therapy. Includes case studies on various ailments.
Clark, Linda -- Handbook of Natural Remedies -- 1976 -- Natural remedies for a wide range of ailments.
Cooper, Ken --
Aerobics Program For Total Well-Being: Exercise, Diet , And Emotional Balance -- 1985 -- Expanded edition of the 1970s classic that got the world running for good cardiovascular health.
Crook, William -- The Yeast Connection -- 1983 -- Everything you ever wanted to know about candida albicans, the yeast germ that contributes to numerous ailments, and how to resolve them once and for all.
Cummings and Ullman -- Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines -- 1984 -- A comprehensive work of homeopathic remedies.
Danskin and Crow -- Biofeedback - An Introduction and Guide -- 1981 -- What is biofeedback therapy? This, and many other questions are answered.
Diamond, Harvey and Marilyn -- Fit for Life -- 1985 -- The diet craze that swept the western world in the 1980s, based on low fat fresh foods, and food combining principles.
Dougans, Inge -- Complete Illustrated Guide to Reflexology -- 1996 -- A thorough guide on reflexology, including history, anatomy, meridian system, foot massage methods, self-treatment and references.
Evans, Mark -- Yoga, Tai Chi, Massage, Therapies and Healing Remedies -- 2002 -- A large, lavishly illustrated book on the subject methodologies. A beautiful volume for the coffee table, and much more.
Gillanders, Ann -- Gateways to Health and Harmony with Reflexology -- 1997 -- Case studies on reflexology treatment of a variety of ailments, by a leading reflexologist.
Gillanders, Ann -- Essential Guide to Foot and Hand Reflexology -- 1998 -- A leading book on reflexology by a leading practitioner.
Gray, Robert -- Colon Health Handbook -- 1980 -- A leading colon cleansing and health program.
Jaggi, OP -- Yogic and Tantric Medicine -- 1979 -- Yogic techniques to aid in preserving or restoring good health.
Krieger, Dolores -- The Therapeutic Touch -- 1979 -- A leading book on hands-on healing.
Lappe, Frances Moore -- Diet for a Small Planet -- 1971 -- The classic on food combining at the bottom of the food chain - grains, legumes, vegetables and other fresh foods. How to get complete proteins from a non-meat diet.
Lubeck, Walter -- The Complete Reiki Handbook -- 1994 -- A basic introduction and methods of application of Reiki principles.
Lucas, Richard -- Secrets of the Chinese Herbalists -- 1977 -- Chinese herbal remedies for all sorts of ailments, including many case histories.
Mann, Felix -- Acupuncture - The Ancient Chinese Art of Healing -- 1962 -- A classic work on acupuncture by a leading Western practitioner.
Morrison, Judith -- Book of Ayurveda - A Holistic Approach to Health and Longevity -- 1995 -- A good, easy to follow introduction to Ayurveda.
Ornish, Dean -- Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease -- 1990 -- The famous and proven  "open your heart" program utilizing a low fat diet and balanced living to prevent and reverse heart disease. 
Pooley, Nicola -- Shiatsu - A Step-by-Step Guide -- 1998 -- An introduction to the Japanese method of massage therapy.
Randolf, CW -- From Hormone Hell to Hormone Well -- 2004 -- The use of natural "human-identical" hormones as a safe, effective hormone replacement treatment for PMS, perimenopause, menopause or hysterectomy.
Rawls and Diskin -- Yoga for Beauty and Health -- 1967 -- A 1960s guide to Hatha Yoga, primarily for women.
Sannella, Lee -- Kundalini - Psychosis or Transcendence? -- 1976 -- Considering the rise of Kundalini as a rebirthing process occurring in humanity. Includes clinical case studies of people experiencing kundalini symptoms.
Sarno, John -- Healing Back Pain - The Mind Body Connection -- 1991 -- How to naturally heal back pain caused by spasms, or TMS (tension myositis syndrome).
Shelton, Herbert -- Fasting Can Save Your Life -- 1964 -- A classic work on fasting for physical and spiritual health.
Tappan, Franses -- Healing Massage Techniques -- 1980 -- An overview of healing massage techniques - holistic, classical and emerging methods.
Van Der Kroon, Coen -- Golden Fountain - The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy -- 1993 -- Principles and practices of the ancient spiritual method of amaroli - urine therapy.
Vlamis, Gregory -- Bach Flower Remedies to the Rescue -- 1986 -- The theory and practice of using the homeopathic flower remedies of Dr. Edward Bach.
Wildwood, Christine -- Aromatherapy and Massage Book -- 1993 -- Aromatherapy history and practice, including instructions on how to use essential oils to treat different health ailments.
Williams, Teasdale, Segal, Kabat-Zinn -- The Mindful Way through Depression -- 2007 -- Using Buddhist mindfulness techniques to overcome chronic unhappiness.
Yochanan, Rywerant -- Feldenkrais Method -- 1983 -- A training manual of basic theories and techniques of Feldenkrais.

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