Advanced Yoga Practices Plus
Links Section

Directories --
To find yoga teachers, classes, retreats, organizations, etc.

Tantra Links -- Web sites on tantra yoga and related subjects.

Main Listing of Links
(in alphabetical order): -- Yoga Resource Center
A practical and inspirational site for anyone who wants to promote harmony and well-being in their life with yoga.


Ahwan -- The Spiritual Approach to Life
An online magazine that deals with subjects related to a spiritual approach to life, from Sri Bimal Mohanty.


Alok Holistic Health -- New York City
Supporting body-mind-spirit growth and well being through nutrition counseling, live-food, meditations, yoga, reiki, massage, parties, events, exotic retreats, & celebration.


Amaroli Resources
Resource links on amaroli, which is urine therapy. Modern medicine has been taking a closer look at this unconventional health tonic. Amaroli is an advanced yoga practice that is discussed in ancient scriptures such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Damar Tantra.


American Institute of Vedic Studies - Santa Fe, NM, USA
Training in Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, Yoga, Vedanta, Hindu Dharma and Vedic Studies. Founded by Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri).


The renowned world-touring Ammachi (Mata Amritanandamayi), a yogini who opens souls to God with loving hugs.


Amrit Yoga Institute - Salt Springs, FL, USA
Website of Yogi Amrit Desai. By adding the mental and spiritual disciplines of Raja Yoga, inwardly focused attention and meditative awareness, the Amrit Yoga approach combines the strengths of Hatha and Raja Yoga into one system.


Anandashram, The Abode of Bliss - Kanhangad, Kerala, India
Teachings and retreat center of the late Swami ("Papa") Ramdas. Satsang contacts throughout India.

Arsha Vidya Gurukulam Satsangs -- Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania
Over 600 pages of reading material and over 50 hours of MP3 audio on vedantic subjects by Swami Dayananda of Rishikesh, India, and his disciple swamis in the USA. Satsang centers throughout North America.


Art of Living
Asanas, pranayama, meditation, and more, as taught by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Weekly satsangs at local centers world wide. Also provides humanitarian aid.

Asanas/Hatha -- Hatha Yoga Bodyawn
Asanas (postures) for relaxation.

Asanas/Hatha -- Asana Index
Every asana you can imagine, and then some. Easy to navigate and well illustrated.

Asanas/Hatha -- Metatropo Yoga Pose Flashcards
Computer flashcards for learning yoga poses and their English and Sanskrit names with audio. Learn 90+ poses and hear a human voice pronounce their Sanskrit names. Select the poses you want to learn by group (beginner, advanced, sitting, standing, etc.)

Asanas/Hatha --
Complete instructions and many references on uddiyana bandha and nauli hatha yoga techniques for manipulating the abdominal muscles to improve health in the gastrointestinal tract and the flow of the internal ecstatic energies (kundalini).

Asanas/Hatha -- Shanti Yoga -- Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Yoga from Beginner to Advanced, Shanti Yoga can guide you to a healthier and happier life. Learn how to tone and relax your total body from a true yoga master.

Asanas/Hatha --
Online Yoga Classes and Streaming Yoga Videos.

Ashiyana Yoga Retreat Centre -- Goa, India
A place to relax, connect with your inner-peace. Yoga retreats, yoga holidays, meditation, satsang, massage, music, cafe with breakfast/lunch buffets.

The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Avatar Adi Da (Da Free John)
The teachings and ashrams of the controversial Adi Da (aka Da Free John, Franklin Jones), an American avatar, so they say.
A website dedicated to sharing video interviews with spiritual teachers and related material for expanding conscious evolution wisdom.

AYP-Related - Advanced Yoga Practices International
Retreats and AYP Teacher Training Courses worldwide.

 AYP-Related - AYP for Recovery
Transforming addiction. Transcending suffering. Applying AYP techniques to recovery from addiction, with a radical new look at how we can move beyond false identities to claim our birthright of ecstatic bliss.

AYP-Related - Demystifind (blog)
Finding, Using & Sharing The Keys To Infinite Freedom.

AYP-Related - Heal Your Heart, Free Your Soul
A personal blog by cardiologist Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan on how healing the body/mind from the inside with Deep Meditation and related practices can lead to better health and more happiness in daily living.

AYP-Related - I, Me and Mind (blog)
Techniques, books and other resources for freeing ourselves from the stresses and worries emanating from I, Me & Mind, that have caused so much suffering. All it takes is an open Mind, and the willingness to enjoy the peace and freedom resulting from letting them go.

AYP-Related - Living Unbound - Freedom Beyond Imagination
A system of teachings, techniques and resources for creating, sustaining and sharing the freedom beyond imagination, which is humanity's natural, fulfilled condition.

AYP-Related - Seek and Destroy Podcast
A no holds barred look at the spiritual path. Hosted by Brett and Carson, "two ex-addict musicians who nearly drowned in their own shit but somehow managed to make it out the other side."

AYP-Related - The Journey Inward (blog)
Sharing some experiences from the past and present as this practitioner journeys inward toward the stillness from which we all arise.

Ayurveda Resources
Web sites and resources for Ayurveda, the yoga-based Indian system of medicine. Diet guidelines are given here to help pacify energy imbalances in the body.

Ayurveda -- C.Y. Surya International Yoga and Ayurveda School -- Italy
The cultural association C.Y.Surya of Milano is one of the most representative organisations of North Italy for the diffusion of the Indian culture, and it is today engaged with its team in the research of the dialogue between the East and the West.

Bhagavad Gita
A web site devoted to providing extensive resources on the Bhagavad Gita. Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP) is prominently displayed here, though there is no formal connection between the two sites.

Bhagavad Gita -- Talks by Pandit Hari Shankar Dabral
A Practical dissertation on this great Indian scripture.

Bihar School of Yoga
Yoga teachings from this well-regarded school in India -- web site under reconstruction the last time we looked. See also "Satyananda."

Brahmani Yoga -- Quality Yoga in India
Set amongst tropical gardens in Anjuna, North Goa Brahmani Yoga offers classes in a variety of styles and levels with highly experienced teachers from around the globe. We also have Yoga Alliance registered Teacher Training courses, Massage Training and Weekend Workshops. Drop-in on your travels or book a hassle free 'Yoga Holiday'. All of our yoga packages include accommodation, airport transfers and unlimited yoga. Just breathe...

BuddhaNet's eBook Library
An extensive online library on Buddhism.

Buddhism -- Chetsang Rinpoche
The Oral Commentaries of His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgn, Chetsang Rinpoche.

Buddhism -- Zen Koans
These koans, or parables, were translated into English from a book called the Shaseki-shu (Collection of Stone and Sand), written late in the thirteenth century by the Japanese Zen teacher Muju (the "non-dweller"), and from anecdotes of Zen monks taken from various books published in Japan around the turn of the 20th century.

Buddhism -- Zen Pages
Many information resources on Zen Buddhism.

Buddhist Yogi Chen
An independent website dedicated to the teachings of the late Yogi C. M. Chen (1906-1987) and his disciple Dr. Yutang Lin in Hinayana -- Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism.

Burren Yoga & Meditation Centre - Ireland
Yoga retreats on the beautiful west coast of Ireland, with attendees from all over the world. See current schedule of upcoming courses here.

Byron Katie's "The Work"
A simple practical form of self-inquiry that can transform lives, from the author of "Loving What Is."

Centering Practices -- Vigyan Bhairava and Sochanda Tantra
These are the 112 techniques referred to in lesson #136. From "Zen Flesh, Zen Bones," compiled by Paul Reps, 1957. These scriptures are 4000 years old, and as applicable as ever. Their threads run through all the AYP lessons.

Cincinnati Yoga School -- Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Classes in all aspects of yoga, from beginning to advanced.

Deepak Chopra
Self-improvement books, ayurveda, wellness programs, meditation, and Southern California resort and health spa.

Dhyanyogi Omdasji
Website of Indian Guru Dhyanyogi Omdasji, teacher of divine sound meditation and giver of shaktipat.

Eight Limbs of Yoga
Yoga Journal article summarizing the eight-limbed path of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, also called ashtanga or raja yoga. Deep meditation is the combined practice of limbs 6, 7 & 8 going inward. Samyama is the combined practice of limbs 6, 7 & 8 coming outward. Deep meditation begins with limited ego-self. Samyama begins with universal divine-Self. See lesson #149.

El Convento Yoga Retreats & Holidays in Spain
Holistic yoga retreats and holidays in beautiful nature of Spain. Asthanga yoga classes suitable for beginners and advanced students, meditation and family yoga holidays with childcare.

Emptiness - The Ultimate in Reality
A multi-disciplinary spiritual discussion group.

Essene Yoga
Adaption of Eastern yoga systems by Essene Nazarean Church of Mount Carmel. They say Jesus taught yoga. Qabbalah is also covered here.'nai-Amen/yoga.htm

European Yoga Federation

Evolutionary Yoga - New York City, USA
Private Lessons, Classes, Workshops. Evolutionary Yoga harmonizes traditional yogic teachings with modern somatic education to create personal practices which honor the uniqueness of each individual. Draws on principles of Feldenkrais, Somatics, Hatha Yoga, and Qigong.

Eye Floaters - Light Dots in Your Field of Vision
Floco Tausin explores the topic of eye floaters in terms of practical consciousness development. Vitreous opacity or light of consciousness? A project about the closest thing in the world.

Home site of the Feldenkrais Method, attentive movement system developed by the late Moshe Feldenkrais.

Foundation for International Spiritual Unfoldment (FISU)
A London-based meditation teaching organization, with training centers in more than a dozen countries.

Gayatri Pariwar
Large (millions) Gayatri mantra and yoga movement founded by Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya

Gayatri Pariwar -- DevSanskriti Vishwavidyalaya -- Haridwar, India
A university based on the principles of yoga and balanced living. Founded by Shri Ram Sharma Acharya. 

Gayatri Pariwar Books
Free downloadable books on yoga.

Georg Feuerstein -- Traditional Yoga Studies
Web site of this noted American/Canadian/European Yoga scholar and author. Correspondence courses available.

Good Reality
An organization founded by Eagle de Botton, dedicated to supporting conscious service to create together an Awakened Realtiy.

Gopi Krishna
Free online books by the renowned kundalini yogi who did it the hard way. His best known book (not available on this site) is, "Kundalini - Evolutionary Energy in Man."

Guru Rating Service
Evaluation of over 1200 listed gurus. Somewhat biased analysis, often with tongue in cheek. Fun to read. Caution! You could spend hours in here.

Health & Healing Arts & Sciences -- Knoxville, Tennessee
Health & Healing Arts & Sciences of Master Blaque,

The life and teachings of Franz Bardon (1909-1958).

Himalayan Institute -- Honesdale, PA, USA
Writings and Pennsylvania retreat center of the late Swami Rama of the Himalayas, who was a gifted teacher of yoga and sri-vidya tantra.

Himalayan Tradition of Yoga Meditation
Extensive teaching site on yoga and meditation, inspired by the late Swami Rama and the ancient tradition of the cave monasteries of the Himalayas. -- Understanding Hinduism
Everything you ever wanted to know about Hinduism, including the rich spiritual history of India and its important role in the world today.

Hindustan Times Article: Bhakti - The Science of Devotion
Condensed version of AYP Lesson #67, published February 19, 2004

I Love GOD - Sacred Texts and Holy Books
A token of love for the Infinite, Supreme, Eternal and Almighty One!

Indiga Arts of Healing - Circle Pines, MN, USA
Semi private and private yoga instruction. Shiatsu, Swedish and Thai Massage.

Infinite Being – Spiritual Insights for the New Awareness
Web Site devoted to universal consciousness with articles and lessons. Great page on Crop Circles!

Innergy Yoga Centre -- London (Notting Hill), UK
Classes and gatherings for hatha yoga, pranayama, meditation, kirtan chanting, and talks on "raja yoga and excellence." Schedule of classes and gatherings is posted here.

Inspirational Works -- Toronto, Canada
Events, workshops, seminars and retreats that change lives.

Inspirational Quotations
An inspirational community website.

Irma Juneau - Phoenix, AZ, USA
Yoga classes for expectant mothers, MS patients, senior citizens, and businesses.

Isha Foundation -- India
An international public service organization dedicated to yoga and self-realization, inspired by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.

Iyengar Yoga
The famous system of yoga devised and taught by BKS Iyengar over much of the 20th century.

Joseph Campbell
Yahoo group devoted to Joseph Cambell's work -- the study of mythology and the human spiritual journey shared in the myths and stories of every culture.

Joseph Campbell Quotes
Famous quotes from the world's greatest mythologist.

15th century Indian Muslim yogi/poet, and a big inspiration to the Sufi and Bhakti traditions. Summary of his life, with some excerpts from his writings.

Kabir -- The Mystic Poet
The life and writings of the great enlightened poet, Kabir.

Web site of young Indian sage with headquarters in Andhra Pradesh, India

Kechari Mudra -- Image 1
Sketches by Yogani of kechari mudra stages 1 - 4. See lesson #108.

Kechari Mudra -- Image 2
Cross sectional illustration of kechari by Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God Yoga, Divine Love and Godrealization. Stage 3 is shown. See lesson #108.

Kechari Mudra -- Image 3
Shri Shailendra demonstrating Khechari Mudra, including MRI's. Stage "1 and-one-half" is shown, just shy of nasal septum. See lesson #223.

Khalil Gibran
Life and works of the renowned Lebanese spiritual poet. His most well known work - "The Prophet," 1923.

Kripalu -- Lenox, MA, USA
Large yoga, meditation and natural healing retreat center in the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts
Hari Krishna movement founded by the late Srila Prabhupada.

Krishna Das
Website of this well-known Kirtan (Indian devotional music) practitioner/performer, including recordings and schedule of live events.

Krishnamurti, J.
Famous Indian teacher who taught from his residence in California for many years. He promoted no technique and no path, which earned him the unofficial title of "the do nothing guru."

Kriya Yoga -- Ananda, California
Writings and retreat center of the controversial Kriyananda (Donald Walters), one of the few remaining direct disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda.

Kriya Yoga -- Ashram in Jujersa, India
Swami Sadhanananda Giri crossed the stages of Yoga very fast becoming one of the youngest Yogacharchyas, in 1975 when he was only 24 years old.

Kriya Yoga -- Center for Spiritual Awareness
Roy Eugene Davis - His writings and retreat center in Georgia, USA. He is one of the few remaining direct disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda.

Kriya Yoga -- Meditation Group in Phoenix, Arizona

Kriya Yoga -- Self Realization Fellowship - Los Angeles
Founded in 1920 by Paramahansa Yogananda, the famed kriya yoga master and author of "Autobiography of a Yogi."

Kriya Yoga -- Solar Logos Foundation
Norman Paulsen's writings and retreat center in California. He is one of the few remaining direct disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda.

Kriya Yoga -- Yoga Niketan
Precious texts on traditional kriya yoga.

Kriya Yoga Techniques -- Free Instructions in PDF Download Form

Kundalini Ascension Hawaii
The site for ascension in Hawaii. We offer tons of free information about Kundalini Yoga and ascension, as well as a complete schedule of all Kundalini Yoga classes in Hawaii. We invite you to come join the cosmic party.

Kundalini Awakening
An approach to the process of kundalini awakening, laid out in logical steps.

Kundalini -- The Biology of Kundalini
Excellent site on the inner mechanics of kundalini awakening.

Kundalini Yoga
Online lessons in kundalini yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Liberation Unleashed
A groundbreaking approach to the ancient question of enlightenment, employing the principles of Advaita/Vedanta (non-duality) in online support forum mode.

Lots of Yoga
An online yoga platform that celebrates yoga and mindfulness, with high quality articles written with affiliated communities of yoga teachers and students.

LoveBliss -- A Website and Book by Jan Esmann
The development of Self-Realization to abiding "LoveBliss" through meditation, non-dual self-inquiry, kundalini awakening and shaktipat.

Ma Yoga Shakti
Writings, teachings, and retreat facilities of this Indian yogini. Missions in Florida, New York, London and India.

Meditation Society of America
The official website of the Meditation Society of America. Information on meditation techniques and concepts from traditions throughout the world.

Meditation of the Death Defiers
A young yogi's views on pranayama, meditation, and shamanism.

Meditation Time
A forum for expressing, sharing, and explaining meditation experiences. Giving and taking advisories on psycholgical and psychiatric aspects. Testing yoga and mystic techniques. Understanding sexual relationship and its related responsibilities.

Meditation with Mantra
General article on various approaches to mantra development and utilization in meditation.

Meher Baba
Life and teachings of this popular 20th century sage, and current activities of his followers.

Michael C. Weir
Over 30 talks on YouTube covering Spirituality, Meditaton, Pranayama, Tantra, Karma, Christianity, Prayer, etc.

Mind Body Medical Institute -- Relaxation Response
Dr. Herbert Benson's site - author of "The Relaxation Response," a simple form of meditation learned by millions. Free instructions are given here.

Mind Yoga
Our Bhakti-yoga Society promotes wellness, healing, self-help, and empowerment through mantra, meditation and "PK" mind power.

Minerva Centre -- Complementary Therapies in Bath, UK
Centre for holistic therapies: Osteopathy, Shiatsu, Thai Yoga Massage, Dramatherapy, Aromatherapy, Dru Yoga, Reflexology, Ashtanga Yoga Classes, Stress management, Indian head massage, Spiritual healing.

A contemporary UK-based teacher of Advaita-Vedanta -- the pathless path of non-duality.

Mother Meera
Germany-based Indian saint who gives powerful darshans in silence.

Moving into Stillness
Website, book, California yoga studio and top-notch online forum community of Erich Shiffman.

Writings and retreat centers of the late Swami Muktananda, founder of Siddha Yoga movement. - Los Angeles, CA
Inspired by the Siddhars, the enlightened sages of south India who journey beyond! Ancient Learning; Photo Gallery of spiritual south India; "Visions Beyond Enlightenment" art gallery; Satsang & Events.

Nisargadatta Maharaj
A leading Advaita-Vedanta sage of the 20th century

Nitya Kalyan Magazine Discussion Group
Nitya Kalyan is an international English monthly magazine on practical teachings of the Vedas. This group is to discuss and promote Universal Oneness and Harmony, the fundamental aspects of the Vedas.

Omega - Rhinebeck, NY, USA
Large educational retreat center covering holistic health, meditation, yoga, transformational psychology, spirituality, world music, and art.

Osho -- Resort and Multiversity at Pune, India
Writings and meditation retreat center of the late Osho/Rajneesh, a trail-blazer in full spectrum tantra yoga in the days when it was little known in the West.

Osho World
Free download of many lectures and e-books from the late, great Osho (Rajneesh).

Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
Philosopher, traveler and journalist who penned the 1935 classic, "A Search in Secret India," that introduced Ramana Maharshi and yoga to a large audience in the West, influencing millions.

Pranayama Institute
Free online instruction in a variety of practical pranayama (breathing) techniques. Donations accepted.

Raja Yoga Institute - Professional Yoga Training - The Netherlands
Welcome to The Raja Yoga Institute, recommended by the International Yoga Federation, and improve your Yoga practice with our free books.

Ram Dass
Books, tapes, and teaching schedule of Ram Dass (Richard Alpert), a well known American yogi.

Ramakrishna - Vivekananda Center of New York
Information on these two great sages who launched yoga in the West over a century ago.

Ramana Maharishi
Dedicated to the life and writings of the great sage of Arunachala, India.

Ramesh Balsekar
Leading disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Reincarnation and Past Life Regression -- Book on "Soul Planning"
"Your Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born" by Robert Schwartz

Robert Adams
An American self-realized master, who was also a disciple of Ramana Maharshi.

Rope Yoga -- Los Angeles
A unique system of yoga and exercise developed by Gudni Gunnersson.

Rosanna's Macrobiotic/Sufi Kitchen
A broad and informative web site providing an integration of Macrobiotic Living, Sufism, and Yoga.

Poems of the great 13th century Sufi mystic - oozing love and spiritual wisdom. Each refresh on this page brings new poems. Try it, you'll like it.

Rumi on Fire
A Tribute to the great Sufi spiritual master and poet, Molana Jalal-e-Din Mohammad Molavi Rumi.

Sai Baba
Web site of Sathya Sai Baba, Indian sage, and "man of miracles."

Sailor Bob Adamson
A teacher of Advaita-Vedanta in the tradition of Nisargadatta Maharaj.

St. John of the Cross
16th century Christian sage. His poems intimately describe intense bhakti and its inner fruition. He was associated with the revered Saint Theresa of Avila.

Sanskrit Glossary - For AYP Lessons
A  Glossary of Sanskrit Terms designed to support the Advanced Yoga Practices lessons.

Satyananda Yoga
Online and retreat courses in the yoga methods developed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

Satyananda/Bihar Yoga
The story of Swami Satyananda and Bihar Yoga. His book, "Kundalini Tantra," is a classic on advanced yoga practices. Satyananda was a leading disciple of Swami Sivananda.

School of Esoteric Studies -- Asheville, NC, USA
Correspondence courses inspired by the writings and talks of Alice Bailey. Structured, sequenced esoteric discipleship training comprised of meditation, study, and service, grounded in Ageless Wisdom teachings.

Self Awareness Institute -- Laguna Beach, CA, USA
Training center for yoga, shaktipat, meditation, ayurveda, tantra, teacher training, personal counseling, and corporate training.

Shaktipat Kundalini Yoga
The teachings of Durga Ma, who is a part of Swami Kripalu's lineage, offering beginning and advanced meditation training, teacher training, and shaktipat intensives.

Shiva Shakti Mandalam
This Hindu Tantrik site will tell you everything you never knew about Tantra. The site is encyclopedic in breadth. Yantra, mantra, tantra and other material relating to the tantrik tradition are found here, along with an extensive bibliography, English translations, and links to other sites.

Shri Ram Chandra Mission
Worldwide organization that teaches the free Sahaj Marg system of meditation to all interested seekers of spirituality.

Sivananda -- Divine Life Society
Writings and teachings of Sivananda, who founded this organization in 1936.

Solar Healing Center -- Orlando, FL
The Solar Healing Center is focused on helping humanity to develop a better understanding of how the sun can be used to heal the mind, body and spirit as demonstrated by Hira Ratan Manek (HRM), who has not eaten solid food for over 7 years.

Spiritual Research Foundation
A volunteer non-profit organization, whcih over the past 20 years has under-taken extensive and exhaustive research in the spiritual realm, with the intention to demystify the spiritual realm and provide research that will help humanity to effectively alleviate difficulties in life through religious diversity, research, outreach, and the active dissemination of spiritual resources.

Sri Kamakoti Mandali
Right handed approach to Tantra, covering Sri Vidya, Advaita/Vedanta and Kundalini Yoga.

Sri Yantra - Blue
Sacred symbol of Sri Vidya Tantra. See blue Sri Yantra depicting ongoing union of Shiva (white lingam bindus) and Shakti (blue yoni triangles) in every atom of the cosmos. Sri Yantra also represents the sushumna/spinal nerve/tunnel, and the divine union (OM) occurring everywhere in us.

Sri Yantra - Color Your Own
A "blank" Sri Yantra image is provided here so you can color your own, if desired.

Sri Yantra - Yogani Drawings
Six Sri Yantra Drawings: Blue, Green, Violet, Red, Rainbow, and Black. The layout is set up for individual viewing of each Sri Yantra, with standard browser settings.

Streamings -- Respire Breathing Exercise
Free lesson for a calming, relaxing and refreshing breath exercise.

Sufism -- Yahoo group on starting and keeping a Sufi lodge
This is a site for people who would like to start and keep their own Remembrance of God in the Islamic Sufi way. It is maintained by members of the Dawoodi-Bektashi Sufi Order.

Sun/Moon Yoga -- Carmel & Pacific Grove, California
Yoga classes for balancing the sun and moon energy channels within.

Swami Dayananda Arsham - Rishikesh, India
Swami Dayananda's traditional centre of Vedic teaching and Sanskrit. Short and long term in-residence programs of study and sadhana are offered.

Swami Vishwananda
Web site of young sage based in London. design -- Design Placement , Interior Dcor, Lifestyle design offers you a neo-Lifestyle service that combines the art and science of Vastu and Tantra to help you to achieve positive lifestyle changes and create supportive, nourishing environments with a touch of soul.

Tao Bums Forum
Transcendent, mundane, talking through the middle Taoist, Buddhist, Non-sectarian cultivation articles and discussion forum.

Taoism -- Kunlun Bliss Practice
Kunlun Nei Gung is a rare and powerful form of Taoist breathing practice that has its origins in the 7th century. (English) (German)

Taoist Yoga -- School of Tai Chi and Esoteric Arts - Ontario, Canada
David Fiske, author of “Stalking Personal Power and Peace." Classes cover Tai Chi, Taoist energy cultivation techniques, Meditation and Pranayama.

Taoist Yoga (Qigong) -- Falun Dafa
A worldwide spiritual movment, originated in China, utilizing meditation and Qigong techniques. Falun Dafa followers have suffered severe persecution by the communist government in China.

Taoist Yoga -- Universal Tao System
The writings and courses/retreats of Mantak Chia. Universal Tao Centers are located worldwide.

The Creation Vibration
A free e-book (excerpt from a larger work) by James Traverse, written from the perspective that yoga is living union through our relationship with Love.

The Dance of Stillness -- Website and Book by David Rivers
Dedicated to the exploration and creative expression of spiritual awakening in daily life.

The hOMe Foundation
Free online lessons in non-traditional kriya yoga pranayama.

The Way of Meditation
A Tibetan Buddhist Meditation resource with a large following, especially on Facebook.

Theosophical Society
20 years before Vivekananda brought yoga to the West, there was the Theosophical Society, founded in New York City in 1875. It is worldwide now (headquartered in Adyar, India), and still a great source of spiritual literature.

Three Step Rhythmic Breathing
Free lessons for developing 24 hour rhythmic breathing pranayama.

Tony Haynes -- "The World's Greatest Poet"
Pop music songwriter, record producer, and author of dozens of books and thousands of spiritual poems.

Transcendental Meditation
As taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Millions have learned TM since he first came to the West in 1958. Teaching centers are located worldwide.

Transcendental Meditation Independent UK (spin-off)
Personal instruction in meditation throughout the UK by qualified TM instructors, at substantial discounts.

Transcendental Meditation Alternative (spin-off)  -- Natural Stress Relief, USA
Meditation instruction via written and audio program materials.

Transcendental Meditation Alternative (spin-off)  -- Natural Stress Relief, Scientia Institute, Italy
Meditation instruction via written and audio program materials.

Transcendental Meditation Alternative (spin-off)  -- TSM of South Florida
"Transcendental Stress Management." Personal instruction in meditation.

Transcendental Meditation Alternative (spin-off)  -- TSM of St. Louis, Missouri
"Transcendental Stress Management." Personal instruction in meditation.

Twelve Step Recovery Programs -- List
Yoga purifies the nervous system, usually resulting in a reduced need for artificial intoxicants such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs. However, if substance use is excessive, yoga may not be enough to clean the inner windows of perception, and additional measures may be necessary. The twelve step program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous in the 1930s, and since expanded to address many other forms of addiction and obsessive negative habits, is a proven program that is available to anyone worldwide. See the list of 12 Step Programs here:

Twelve Step Recovery Programs -- Alcoholics Anonymous "Big Book"
The original AA 12 Step "Big Book" is free online here.

Vedanta Society - Hollywood, CA
Established in 1930 under spiritual guidance of the Ramakrishna Order of India. Good overview of Indian philosophy and yoga. Lots of classic books too.

Vethathiri Maharishi
A respected South India sage, teaching Kundalini Yoga.

Viveka Yoga Retreats & Holidays - South France
Yoga retreats in the beautiful nature of south france, different yoga styles with experienced teachers and family yoga holidays.

World Movement for Yoga and Ayurveda

Yoga Age
An online resource on yoga practice. Many informative articles.

Yoga Farm -- Cornwall, UK
Hatha yoga retreat centre on the southwest coast of England.

Yoga Insight
Yoga Insight is your independent resource for information on yoga.

Yoga Journal
Leading yoga magazine in the USA.

Yoga Nidra
Principles and practices relating to the cultivation of yoga nidra, or conscious sleep.

Yoga Place
Sound pages and text presenting the art of yoga, by Beth Bento -- Iyengar oriented.

Yoga Sadhana -- Telford, England
Yoga classes and yoga massage with Derek Osborn.

Yoga Sutras -- A Summary and Study Guide
A thorough summary of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, including a single page linking all 196 Sutras, which allows you to easily click down into descriptions of the individual sutras. Includes transliterated Sanskrit and translations for each word of the Yoga Sutras. There is also a page of quiz questions to facilitate learning.

Yoga Sutras -- International Translations
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras in 18 languages, plus the original Sanskrit. Includes 29 English translations. Many have commentaries.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Group
Yahoo group devoted to study of the Yoga Sutras. Includes many related links.

Yoga Texts -- Celextel's Online Spiritual Library
Online English translations for well over 100 Indian scriptures: Bhagavad Gita, Brahma Sutra, most of the 108 Upanishads, Shankara's writings, Astavakra Gita, Panchadasi, Siddhanta Panjara, Vedanta Sara, etc.

YogaGoa - Goa, India
Two retreat centres on the west coast of India.

Yoga-Thai Massage -- United Kingdom
Thai Yoga Massage is an unique powerful body treatment also called "passive yoga" as the stretchings, extensions and joint mobilizations are derived from yoga poses.

Yoga - The Guide to Yoga for Anxiety Treatment
A series of essays covering the use of yoga to reduce anxiety.

Yogaville - Satchidananda Ashram
Founded by Swami Satchidananda, and headquarters of Integral Yoga International.

Yogi Bhajan
Main site of Yogi Bhajan, said to be the first to teach kundalini yoga in the West, beginning in 1969.

Zarnay Yoga Studio in Londonderry, NH, USA
We offer over 20 classes a week in Hatha Yoga and Pilates.

