Advanced Yoga Practices Plus Main Lessons - Expanded and Interactive
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Lesson 36 - Meditation and the Fifth Dimension
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Addition 36.1 - Inner
Silence and Problem Solving
Addition 36.2 -
Transcending Time and Space
Dec 9, 2003
When I meditate, I feel like I am gone someplace else. It is very pleasant, and
it is gradually changing my view of life. Where am I when I meditate? What is
being added to me?
A: When we meditate we are
allowing the mind to naturally bring our awareness out of the familiar realm of
time and space to the realm of unadulterated bliss consciousness. Consciousness
is neither time nor space. We could say it is the infinite dimension underlying
the world we perceive with our physical senses. Besides having no boundaries, it
is eternally "now." Consciousness is another dimension beyond time and space -
we could call it the fifth dimension. With meditation, we are gradually marrying
the fifth dimension of consciousness with the four dimensions of time and space,
so all five dimensions come to coexist together. Our nervous system is gradually
cultured to give us the experience of all five dimensions simultaneously.
This has profound implications in our everyday life.
Before meditating, everything we did was in time and space. All our action, our
problem solving, was limited to the four dimensions. The options we saw before
us were always time and space limited. With meditation, we are bringing in an
additional dimension, consciousness. It makes a big difference. Now we see
situations in ways we could not see before. We are able to influence the course
of life in ways we could not before.
Imagine you are trying to solve a puzzle lying on a table. You are looking at it
in two dimensions, on the flat surface of the table. Try as you may, the pieces
won't fit together. Then a friend walks into the room and says, "Try this." She
picks up two edges of the puzzle and curls them together above the table, and
they fit together perfectly. By moving into the third dimension, the space above
the table, the puzzle has been solved easily. Life is like that. Dealing with it
only in time and space, four dimensions, it is often an unsolvable puzzle. We go
round and round, never quite getting the pieces to fit together. When we begin
to meditate, we are adding a new dimension, a new perspective. Then the pieces
start to fit together, and it all begins to make sense.
The guru is in you.
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Note: For detailed instructions on deep meditation, see the
Deep Meditation Online Book.
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