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31 - Enjoying the Great Outdoors
Dec 5, 2003
Q: We went
to the mountains last weekend and I meditated outdoors overlooking a huge
valley. It was beautiful, and my meditation was wonderful. I was blissfully
intermingled with the soft mountain air. Is there a benefit in meditating
outdoors in beautiful places?
A: There is great benefit in being outdoors in
beautiful places, but not necessarily in meditating there. To be able to
appreciate the profound beauty of nature is the greatest joy in life. For what
greater purpose could we be here than to enjoy the infinite sea of harmony in
and all around us? Regular meditation gradually cultivates our inherent ability
to appreciate the beauty in life.
But remember what we are doing in meditation. We are easily picking up the
mantra and letting it go however it will. Then we are picking it back up again
when we realize we have been off it. This procedure we do for twenty minutes
twice a day. We do not meditate for a particular experience while we are doing
it. The purification process has its own way to go. We cannot direct it or
predict it. We do the easy procedure of meditation and let it happen.
So, doing the meditation procedure is not about sitting on a mountaintop or in
any particular place, except to take advantage of the best place we have
available at meditation time where we will have the least distraction. Jesus
said, "Go into your closet to pray." This is the idea. Meditation is an inner
process, so we withdraw to do it.
If we are on an airplane, in a waiting room, or some other busy place, we
may not have a choice, so we make the best of it and meditate there. As
discussed previously, it can easily be done. However, we do not go sit outdoors
on a mountaintop for the purpose of meditating. It's much better to be in the
cabin where it is quiet and subdued. Then we can meditate, go inward, with the
least stimulation of the outer senses. Later on we can go out and appreciate the
grand display of the valley below, having soaked ourselves with the
perception-illuminating qualities of pure bliss consciousness. Close your eyes
then, if you wish, and be one with the glory of nature all around you. Enjoy!
Meditation is a preparation for enriching the experience of everything else. It
is a retreat from the outer world to pure bliss consciousness within so we can
come back and know the outer world in a much more refined way. If we try and
blend our meditation practice with experiencing the outer world at the same
time, the results will not be optimal. First we go in. Then we come back out.
Our meditation is not about trying to be in and out at the same time. That state
of being both in and out at the same time comes naturally with regular daily
meditation. Being in and out at the same time is not the practice of meditation.
It is the fruit of meditation.
Do be inspired by the beauty of nature. Know that you can experience nature in
increasingly refined ways as a result of daily practice of meditation. Use your
inspiration to redouble your commitment to daily practice. Then, in time, you
will know nature in a way that will permanently melt you in bliss. Then your
natural state will be to be completely in and completely out at the same time.
You will become the great outdoors. This is the fruit of true yoga and true
religion. This is enlightenment.
The guru is in you.
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Note: For detailed instructions on deep meditation, see the
Deep Meditation Online Book.
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