AYP Public Forum

AYP Public Forum => Support for AYP Pranayama, Mudras and Bandhas => Topic started by: Paresh on December 14, 2005, 11:07:24 AM

Title: 2 questions
Post by: Paresh on December 14, 2005, 11:07:24 AM
Does anyone work w doing  pranayama in postures (such as virasana), not as the "seat" for pranayama, but as part of a posture practice?

Secondly - you may have already covered this, but what is some of your understanding of that idea I've heard for years that pranayama can be harmful if done wrong, ie a lasting harm fr which you don't recover? My sense is that it is in that gray area like much of yoga - somewhere between physical and metaphysical. I see disagreement in different books about the "right" way to do it and I think of it like I do posture - there are many guidelines but ultimately we have to find our own way from within, ie let the breath teach you> Thanks.
