AYP Public Forum

AYP Public Forum => Support for AYP Pranayama, Mudras and Bandhas => Topic started by: Frank-in-SanDiego on August 10, 2005, 11:34:25 AM

Title: kechari progress
Post by: Frank-in-SanDiego on August 10, 2005, 11:34:25 AM
Hari Om
Hello Folks-
 I have been working with the initial stages of kechari.
To my chagrin, the technique has its challanges.
Has any one found an easy ( relatively speaking)way to get this technique go'n? I try every day while driving, during pranayam, and whenever  I remember, I practice. I just can't seem to get the tongue back to (and stablize) in the soft tissue area.
Finger pushing only ends up slobbering all over in spittle... no thanks.  I was thinking of a tongue depressor to assist (gently).
Being of wood there would be good contact (wet to try cofficients
and all that), but have not pursued it as yet.
I also tried a side-slide which got me closer - a turning of the tongue to one side then moving it to the soft tissue - this has some promise.
Any "cutting" is out of the question - if serious results come from the experience in initial trials, then maybe an maybe I would consider cutting. To those that have cut, I salute you.

Any feedback is welcomed.

Frank in San Diego
Title: kechari progress
Post by: lucidinterval1 on August 10, 2005, 01:02:12 PM
I have found that by just practicing every day the tongue seems to relax more. It is just like trying  to stretch any body part. It takes some time. I have noticed that it helps to relax the tongue between stretching strains. Try to go back towards the soft palate but relax a little. Spend some time there. The tongue will eventually increase it's ability to stretch. It is well worth the effort although at times, especially in the beginning, it can get a little tiring and frustrating. Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day right?
Best of luck!
Title: kechari progress
Post by: david_obsidian on August 10, 2005, 02:28:17 PM

I can't add much to what Paul says,  but I can say that the 'finger help' btw is not for this stage,  but for later when you are trying to get the tongue into the nasal pharynx.

You could consider putting something large inside your mouth,  appropriately shaped to hold your tongue back and in place.  You could experiment with sculpting part of an apple for the purpose.  [:)]  Or a big lump of play-dough.


Originally posted by Frank-in-SanDiego

Hari Om
Finger pushing only ends up slobbering all over in spittle... no thanks.