Advanced Yoga Practices Plus
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Lesson 10 (The first in this series) - Why This Discussion?  (Audio)
    Addition 10.1 - What has Changed in Ten Years?
    Addition 10.2 - Implications of the Rise of Open Systems of Spiritual Practice

Nov 16, 2003

Everyone knows they are special, that there is something more than this birth, life, and death. It resonates somewhere deep inside all of us. We spend our lifetime trying to reach beyond what we are to be more in one way or another. Sometimes we make a mess of it. Sometimes we make progress. But too often we drift along hoping someone will open a door for us. If only they would, we'd run right through. Or would we?


This is the first crucial step, wanting to run through to that something more in us. Being willing to do it. Craving it. Being desperate for it. I am here because I have been one of those for many years, and I know there must be others. I want to throw out some methods, some methods that work. Tools, you know. They are for your consideration. The rest is up to you.

We will be talking about many inward ways here -- the ways into the divine you. How to really open things up. Are you ready for that? Do you long for it? Not everyone does. But everyone will sooner or later. In fact, a little practice fans the fire of divine longing. Just a little bit of practice opens the door enough so that the divine desire wells up. Then we are on fire and want more practice and more powerful ways in. It is a kind of addiction -- a divine addiction. I confess to being an addict to this spiritual practice game. It is an ecstatic spiral that pulls us out of our limited earth perception. Everything will look different, first just a little, and later on, a lot different. So if you are not wanting to become divinely inspired, divinely addicted, better stay away. Because the best means are here. If you set your heart and mind to it, you can do it. Honest. And then nothing will ever be the same. You will laugh and laugh when you see how it really is.

This discussion is for wise souls, those who are ready to do what it takes for as long as it takes. Were the sages of old less committed than this? Of course not. We marvel at their remarkable stories in the scriptures. It is just the same now. You will get out of your practices what you put in. It has always been like that.

Why bother with all this? To be honest, it is the greatest high we can have. The pleasure is beyond anything on earth. Really. The essence of divine experience is unending devastating bliss and an unshakable silent peace. It seems contradictory, doesn't it? That's how it is. But don't take my word for it. Try some of these methods and see for yourself. It's all waiting in you. Take a few baby steps, and soon you can be opening by leaps and bounds. That is assuming you are ready, and choose each day to go for more. Remember, it is the one thing we can take with us when we move on from this life.

Some of the practices we will be discussing include:

- Cultivating permanent inner silence through Meditation.

- Opening the subtle nerves through Pranayama (breath control).

- Stimulating divine energy through advanced physical postures and maneuvers.

- Cultivating divine desire and conduct.

- Cultivating sexual energy to a new purpose.

- Cultivating silent inner awareness outward in powerful ways.

Some of these practices will seem familiar. Others will seem radical. Combined together in particular ways, they comprise a powerful system of yoga. These means are too useful to be reserved for the few. They belong to the many. So indulge yourself. If you long for the knowledge of human transformation, you are worthy, and you have come to the right place.

The guru is in you.

Addition 10.1 -  What has Changed in 10 Years?
Jan 11, 2015

It has been more than a decade since the AYP writings began. Looking back at Lesson 10, what can we say has changed? In some ways, nothing at all. And in other ways, a lot has changed.

The principles of human spiritual transformation within us have not changed. The practical methods for cultivating abiding inner silence, ecstatic awakening, and the outward flow of stillness in daily activity have not changed, though there have been refinements in terminology and the application of these means over the years in response to the actual experiences of thousands of practitioners.

And that points to what has changed - the application of this knowledge by many around the world.

This has included extensions of the knowledge to reflect better understandings of how the application of practices and their resulting experiences work across a wide range of individual aspirants.

While "self-pacing" is not mentioned specifically in this overview lesson, it has become a key strategy in the AYP system, enabling anyone to apply these powerful practices for good progress with comfort and safety. And, boy, that has come in handy, much more so than was anticipated when the lessons started in 2003. While the basic principles of self-pacing have been known for decades in my own practice, with the participation of many more practitioners it has been possible to refine their application for a wide range of situations, which has been invaluable to many using the AYP system, and to many using other systems of practice as well.

Similarly, organic methods of non-dual self-inquiry have long been known here, particularly as they relate to the rise of abiding inner silence, the witness, and its ability to loosen the binding identification of awareness with the objects of perception - physical, mental and emotional.  This is referred to in the above Lesson 10 as "Cultivating silent inner awareness outward in powerful ways." It is a reference to Samyama, which is covered in detail in the first half of the lessons, and is also a veiled reference to "relational self-inquiry," inquiring in stillness, which is covered in detail in the second half of the lessons. It is also the foundation for "karma yoga," service without expectations, a true indicator of rising enlightenment, which is also covered in the later lessons. But all of this was not well-delineated until much later in the lessons, and it is being brought up now on the front end. Again, it has been the experience with many practitioners that brought this knowledge to better definition.

Whether it is appropriate to discuss these advanced developments as an addition to the very first lesson in the series, who can say? But I thought it prudent to at least mention that, thanks to the many who have been using the AYP knowledge over the years, important developments in the overall  writings have been made possible. That is to the credit of all who have participated in this endeavor.

As we continue through the lessons, additional writings will be included to offer clarifications on the original teachings, based on the actual experiences of practitioners over the years.

So many thanks to all. May the evolution of practical methods for cultivating human spiritual transformation continue...

The guru is in you.

Addition 10.2 - Implications of the Rise of Open Systems of Spiritual Practice  (Audio)
Apr 28, 2016

Q: In a bookstore I recently found you booklet "Spinal Breathing Pranayama." Then I ordered your book "Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living." Upon delving into these I sensed a kind of sadness. As a student of an established tradition, I had to study for years and practice beginning techniques before I could apply for initiation. After initiation I was only allowed minimal practice and much later could ask for permission to expand practice after additional initiation. Also I had to promise not to reveal the techniques I learned to others.

Meanwhile, the techniques you openly offer in your writings are much the same as advanced techniques it took me years to reach through initiation, and your teachings seem equally effective, if not more so. The sadness I experience is probably because now the magic of my long awaited initiations is gone.

Nevertheless, the way you make things clear is great and inspiring. I look forward to moving ahead more quickly on my path.

A: Thank you for your kind note and sharing. Happy to hear you have run across the AYP books. I hope you will find them helpful on your path.

Regarding past initiations, time of waiting, etc., nothing is ever wasted, you know. And neither is the magic of initiation. What is initiation anyway? It is an infusion of spiritual energy, setting a new direction for undertaking more advanced applications of spiritual practice leading to an awakened view of our life and the world. So every initiation is a step forward. From that perspective, it can also be said that encountering the AYP resources is an initiation.

There are many from a variety of traditions who have drawn on the AYP resources and continue on their path with acceleration due to having the infusion of additional knowledge. Others move entirely over to AYP. It is your call. Whatever you decide.

Thanks to the advent of the information age, this is a time of  increasing availability of open systems of spiritual practice, and AYP is one of these. Accelerated spiritual progress has been the result, which comes with some challenges of its own, i.e., the need for self-pacing and the integration of results from advanced practice in daily life.

Everything you have done on your path so far has brought you to this point. Next steps are entirely up to you.

It is a new day, and I wish you all the best as you continue ahead!

The guru is in you.

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Note: For a detailed overview on building a daily practice routine with self-pacing, see the Eight Limbs of Yoga Online Book.

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