Advanced Yoga Practices Plus
On-Line AudioBooks - Interactive

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1. INTRODUCTION 03:46 2. Chap 1 - "WHO AM I?" 08:35 3. Chap 2 - DEEP MEDITATION 01:00 4. Chap 2 - How To Meditate 07:26 5. Chap 2 - When and Where to Meditate 04:04 6. Chap 2 - Questions On Your First Meditation 08:40 7. Chap 2 - The Possibilities 05:27 8. Chap 3 - STEPS OF PROGRESS 01:22 9. Chap 3 - Navigating the Path of Inner Purification 03:14 10. Chap 3 - Persistent Thoughts 03:58 11. Chap 3 - Thoughts and Mantra Together 03:29 12. Chap 3 - No Mantra No Thoughts 04:25 13. Chap 3 - Breath Slowing Down 03:19 14. Chap 3 - Physical Discomfort Pain or Restlessness 04:59 15. Chap 3 - Strong Emotions 04:20 16. Chap 3 - Headache 02:07 17. Chap 3 - Falling Asleep in Meditation 03:54 18. Chap 3 - External Noise 04:27 19. Chap 3 - Interruptions 02:20 20. Chap 3 - Importance of Resting Before Getting up 02:23 21. Chap 3 - Fine-Tuning Our Meditation Time 04:53 22. Chap 3 - Clock-Watching in Meditation 02:16 23. Chap 3 - Finding Time to Meditate when On-the-Go 03:46 24. Chap 3 - Meditating After Meals or at Bedtime 02:35 25. Chap 3 - Alcohol Tobacco and Drugs 03:19 26. Chap 3 - Diet 01:39 27. Chap 3 - Physical Exercise and Culture 06:07 28. Chap 3 - Self-Pacing Versus Breaking Through 02:58 29. Chap 3 - Effects in Daily Activity 02:20 30. Chap 3 - Visions and Energy Experiences 01:26 31. Chap 3 - Inner Sights and Sounds 03:14 32. Chap 3 - Sensations of Energy Flowing Inside 04:56 33. Chap 3 - Sexual Arousal 01:52 34. Chap 3 - Premonitions Clairvoyance and Clairaudience 03:26 35. Chap 3 - Visions of Religious Figures 02:06 36. Chap 3 - Practice Versus the Sirens of Spiritual Experience 02:46 37. Chap 3 - The Rise of Inner Silence-The Witness 06:23 38. Chap 3 - Stillness in Action 04:37 39. Chap 4 - FREEDOM 02:46 40. Chap 4 - Unshakable Inner Silence and Ecstasy 05:24 41. Chap 4 - Refinement to Ecstatic Bliss 03:29 42. Chap 4 - Expansion of Divine Love in the World 04:14